4089. This shows the character of those who do not have the life of love, and that such cannot be in the grand human being, consequently not in heaven, nor move themselves there. They become like the dead, for nothing interacts with their fantasies; but the better they are grounded in the life of love, or the love of faith, the better off they are and the more mobile, so to speak, their life is. For the very least things pertaining to heavenly societies then interact. Then obviously, those who are convinced of what is false and immersed in a life of passions cannot but cast themselves out of heaven. Life itself is also portrayed by movement. 1748, 27 Nov.
4089. It hence appears what is the quality of one who is not in the life of love, that he cannot be in the Grand Man, consequently not in heaven. If there, he cannot move himself; he becomes as one dead, for there is nothing to correspond with his phantasies. But in proportion as one is more fully in the life of love, or in the love of faith, so much better is his lot; his life, is, as it were, more moveable, for everything pertaining to celestial societies corresponds. It moreover appears from this that one who is in the persuasion of the false and in the life of cupidities cannot but cast himself out of heaven. Life itself was also represented by mobility. - 1748, November 27.
4089. Exinde constat, qualis est, qui non in vita amoris, quod non posset esse in maximo homine, proinde in coelo; ibi nec se movere, fit instar mortui, nam nihil phantasiis ejus correspondet; at quo melius in vita amoris, seu in amore fidei, eo melior, et quasi mobilior ei vita, nam singula tunc correspondent, quae societatum coelestium; inde constat, quod non possit non se ejicere e coelo, qui in persuasione falsi est, et in vita cupiditatum; ipsa vita quoque repraesentatur per mobilitatem. 1748, 27 Nov.