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《灵界经历》 第4090节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4090

4090. This shows clearly that spirits, and angels even more, constantly converse among themselves, and live a life as people on earth do, reasoning, speaking, thinking about diverse subjects according to what flows in, not knowing but that they do so of their own power, when yet things are flowing in from all sides. For each of them is as it were a center, according to a stupendous plan from the Lord that not anyone can ever comprehend - as when it is merely stated that such a design exists whereby each one is a center. 1748, 27 Nov.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4090

4090. It was hence manifestly apparent that spirits, and still more angels, continually discourse among themselves, and are as truly in life as men reasoning, speaking, and reflecting on manifold topics, according to influxes, knowing no other than that it is from themselves, while yet receiving influx from every side; for everyone is, as it were, a center according to a stupendous form originating from the Lord, which however no one can ever understand; that is, that there is such a form that everyone is a center. - 1748, November 27.

Experientiae Spirituales 4090 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4090. Exinde constat manifeste, quod spiritus, magis angeli, continuo inter se loquantur, sintque in vita sicut homines, ratiocinando, loquendo, cogitando de diversis, secundum influxus, nescientes aliter ac quod ex semet, cum tamen influunt ab undique, nam quisque est quasi centrum quoddam, secundum formam stupendam, a Domino; quam nusquam aliquis nosse potest; sicut modo cum dicitur, quod talis forma sit, ut unusquisque sit centrum. 1748, 27 Nov.

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