4904. There were also some who rejected the priestly office, saying that the priesthood is universal, thus with all. Some of them had read the Word quite diligently, but because they had lived evilly, had seized on abominable dogmas, of which there are many. These too were cast down from heaven but on the backside due to their having preached in secret and having wanted to overturn the doctrine of the Church stealthily in this way.
4904. There were also some who have rejected the priestly office, saying that the priesthood is universal, thus with all. Certain of these have read the Word quite diligently, but, inasmuch as they have lived ill, they have taken up thence abominable dogmas. Of this class there are many. These likewise are cast down from heaven, but at the back, because they have preached clandestinely, and have wished to thus subvert the doctrine of the Church by stealth.
4904. Fuerunt etiam quidam qui rejecerunt sacerdotale munus, dicentes quod sacerdotium sit universale, ita apud omnes, quidam eorum satis diligenter legerunt Verbum, sed inde, quia male vixerunt, arripuerunt dogmata abominanda, quorum plura sunt, hi quoque e coelo dejecti sunt, sed a tergo, ex causa quia clandestine praedicarunt, et sic Ecclesiae doctrinam voluerunt clam subvertere.