4905. About elevation to heaven through fantasies
Evil spirits have learned to raise themselves upwards through fantasies, the way this is done cannot be described, and when they are there, they see all that is below. Those who are proud raise themselves to a position high up; others, using wicked schemes do so too; the rest go to heaven. These, however, are present there instantly.
Evil spirits have learned to raise themselves upwards by means of phantasies - the mode cannot be described; and when they are there, they see all things that are beneath. Those who are proud elevate themselves to a high position; so also, by execrable arts, do others. The rest go to heaven; but these present themselves there in a moment.
4905. De elevatione in coelum per phantasias
Didicerunt mali spiritus se per phantasias sursum elevare, modus non describi potest, et cum ibi sunt, vident omnia quae infra sunt, qui fastuosi illi alte se elevant; etiam alii per artes nefandas, reliqui eunt ad coelum, hi autem momento ibi sistuntur.