4908. Some of them were vindictive to the point of murdering a soul, yet they still went through the motions of piety. They were cast down from a certain high place on a mountain. And when they were below, their effort to climb on high was seen as a horribly colored crocodile with a long, broad tale, climbing on high in front of something that had been stood upright. And this kept on as long as they had good spirits around them and communicated with the angels. But as this communication was taken away and diminished, the crocodile climbed down. And then with communication taken away, they were cast into a deep hell because they were so vengeful that for a trivial reason they wanted to kill not the body but the soul, which was demonstrated in several attempts they made.
4908. Some of the inhabitants of these were revengeful even to the utter destruction of the soul, but yet have practiced piety. These were cast down from a certain height of the mountain; and, when they were beneath, their effort to ascend to the height appeared like a crocodile of a hideous color, with a long and broad tail, ascending on high close to a certain thing erected perpendicularly; and this continued as long as they still had good spirits around themselves, and communicated with the angels; but, in proportion as that communication was taken away and diminished, in the same proportion the crocodile descended; and when, afterwards, the communication was altogether taken away, they were cast down into a deep hell; for such was their vindictiveness that they wished, for a trivial cause, to kill not the body but the soul; as was also proved by various attempts made by them.
4908. Quidam eorum usque ad internecionem animae vindicativi fuerunt, sed usque pietatem exercuerunt, illi e quadam altitudine montis dejecti sunt, et cum infra erant, apparebat nisus eorum ascendendi in altum sicut crocodilus tetri coloris cum longa et lata cauda ascendens in altum ante quoddam perpendiculariter erectum, et hoc perstabat, quamdiu adhuc bonos spiritus circum se habebant, et communicabant cum angelis, sed sicut communicatio illa auferebatur et diminuebatur, ita crocodilus descendebat, et dein cum ablata communicatio in infernum profundum dejecti sunt, nam talis illis vindicta fuit, ut ob levem causam non corpus sed animam occidere vellent, quod etiam variis tentaminibus ab illis probatum est.