4909. Continuation about those have self-intelligence and about the source of magic
At the present day there are very many, in particular the kind highly esteemed in the world, who totally disbelieve that anything flows in from heaven, from God, and that what is a blessing comes to them in this way. They believe rather that such things are products of their own intelligence, saying and believing that everyone is the creator of his own prosperity. The reason is that they don't believe there is a heaven or a God, but that all things come from blind instinct, but only for those who are not so intelligent. Also, things go well for themselves because it is according to the order inscribed on the world that everyone must use his or her own reason and that what is done according to order follows naturally. But because they do not believe that God inspires the reasoning of those who are good, they consequently reject Divine guidance and follow the guide of their own intelligence. They would have done otherwise if they had believed that there is a God and a life after death.
[2] The second reason is that they place all blessing in wealth and eminence. What heavenly wealth and eminence there are they neither know nor want to know. Consequently they also believe there is no other blessing from God [than worldly wealth and eminence]. Those who act from their own intelligence attain these. However, these are not a blessing for them but a curse because they do not place blessing in heavenly life and eternal happiness, to which nevertheless those are carried who allow themselves to be led by the Lord and for whom it also is a matter of indifference whether or not they are wealthy or appointed to a high position. They are content with their lot because they know all things are borne to what are true blessings.
There are at this day, very many, especially of the more reputable sort in the world, who altogether disbelieve that anything inflows from heaven or from God, and that they have blessings in this way, -thinking that such things are from self-intelligence, and saying and believing that everyone is the architect of his own fortune. The reason is, because they do not believe that heaven exists, nor God, but that all things flow from blind instinct, and from that alone; and [they believe] thus because they are intelligent, and also successful; for it is according to the order in the world, that everyone employs his reason, and that such things follow according to reason; but, since they do not believe that God inspires reason with such as are good, they therefore reject the Divine guidance, and follow the guidance of self-intelligence. They would have acted differently if they had believed in God and the life after death. Another reason is, that they place all blessing in wealth and dignity they do not know, nor are they willing to know, there, what heavenly wealth and dignity are; hence, also, they suppose that nothing else is given by God, as blessing, [save wealth and dignity]. These things, also, do come to those who act from self-intelligence; but to them they are not a blessing but a curse, for they do not place blessing in heavenly life and eternal felicity, to which, nevertheless, those are brought who suffer themselves to be led by the Lord. To these, also, it is matter of indifference even if they are not wealthy and placed in honor; they are content with their lot, because they know that all things are led to those issues which pertain to true blessing.
4909. Continuatio de illis qui in propria intelligentia et unde Magia
Sunt hodie quamplurimi, imprimis a sorte digniore in mundo, qui prorsus non credunt, quod aliquid influat ex coelo seu ex Deo, et quod sic illis benedictio, sed quod ex propria intelligentia talia existant, dicendo et credendo, quod quisque sit faber suae fortunae, causa est, quia non credunt coelum dari, nec Deum, sed omnia ex coeco instinctu fluere, et solum illis non ita qui intelligentes sunt, succedit etiam illis, quia est secundum ordinem in mundo, ut quisque ratione sua usurus sit, et quod secundum rationem sequantur, sed quia non credunt quod Deus inspiret rationem talibus qui boni sunt, inde rejiciunt regimen Divinum et sequuntur regimen propriae intelligentiae, aliter fecissent, si credidissent Deum dari, et vitam post mortem; causa altera est, quod omnem benedictionem ponant in opulentia et dignitate, quid opulentia coelestis et dignitas ibi non sciunt, nec volunt scire, inde quoque a Deo nihil aliud ut benedictio dare; haec quoque assequuntur qui ex propria intelligentia agunt, sed illa eis non benedictioni sunt sed maledictioni, nam non in coelesti vita et in aeterna felicitate ponunt benedictionem, ad quam tamen feruntur illi qui se duci patiuntur a Domino, quibus etiam indifferens est si non opulenti sint et in honore constituti, sunt contenti sua sorte, quia sciunt omnia ferri ad illa quae verae benedictionis sunt.