4912. This is the source of the belief very many have that the Lord's Providence is not universal in every single event but that the determination of the details is given to man, when nevertheless this is not the case. And because they consider only worldly and carnal joys and pleasures to be a blessing, they find support for their belief in everything that happens in the world, especially in the fact that those who are evil become honored and rich and not so much those who are good.
4912. Hence is the reason why it is believed by very many that the Providence of the Lord is not universal in every single event, but that a particular ordering is given to the man [as a whole], when yet it is not so; and, inasmuch as they consider as blessings merely fortunate and pleasant worldly and corporeal things, therefore they confirm themselves [in their belief] by all things that happen in the world; especially by the fact that the evil become honored and rich and the good not so.
4912. Inde causa, quod credatur a plerisque Providentiam Domini non esse universalem in singulis, sed dispositionem particularium datam esse homini, cum tamen non ita sit; et quia pro benedictione habent solum fausta et jucunda mundana et corporea, ideo confirmant se in omnibus quae in mundo contingunt, imprimis ex eo quod mali honorati et locupletes fiant, et non ita boni.