4911. Because to have an appetite for honors and riches and to acquire them using self-intelligence is a misuse of the laws of order in the natural world, it is also a misuse of the rational processes of the mind, for they proceed in inverse order and begin from themselves. Therefore those of them who get themselves to this misuse using trickery, craft, and deceit become magicians in the other life and there also learn about and take in such things as are a part of the laws of order there, which they likewise misuse for doing evil. They cannot accept following laws of order originating from an inflow from the Divine, because they obtain all things from themselves. In a word, with them there is an inversion of order in both worlds. In the world they find joy, but in the other life gloom.
4911. Inasmuch as to seek after honors and riches, and to obtain them from self-intelligence, is an abuse of the laws of order in the natural world, consequently, an abuse of the rationals of the mind also - for they proceed in inverted order, and from self - therefore, those of them who, by arts, craftiness and deceptions, bring themselves to that, become magicians in the other life, and there - also, they learn and drink in such things as relate to the law of order there - which, likewise, they abuse to the doing of evil. They cannot accept the principle of following the laws of order from the Divine influx, because they have taken all things, from themselves. In a word, there is with them an inversion of order in both worlds. In the world they meet with joy, but in the other life with mourning.
4911. Quia honores et divitias appetere et illas accipere ex propria intelligentia, est abusus legum ordinis in mundo naturali, ita quoque abusus rationalium mentis, nam procedunt inverso ordine et a se, ideo qui eorum per artes, astus et dolos eo se perducunt, in altera vita fiunt magi, ac ibi quoque discunt et hauriunt talia quae legum ordinis ibi sint, quibus etiam abutuntur ad malefaciendum; non recipere possunt sequi leges ordinis ex influxu Divino, quia ex se omnia sumserunt: verbo est illis inversio ordinis in utroque mundo; in mundo ad gaudia veniunt, sed in altera vita ad lugubria.