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属天的奥秘 第1002节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1002. The symbolism of not eating as not mingling now follows.
Regarded in itself, eating meat is a profane custom, since people of the very earliest times never ate the flesh of any animal or bird but only grains (particularly wheat bread), fruit, vegetables, different kinds of milk, and milk products (such as butter). Butchering living creatures and eating the flesh was heinous, in their eyes, and characteristic of wild beasts. It was only on account of the menial labor and the functions the animals performed for them that they captured any. This can be seen from Genesis 1:29-30.{*1} But when time passed and people turned as savage as wild animals and in fact more savage, for the first time they started to butcher animals and eat the meat. In view of the fact that people were like this, the practice was also tolerated, as it still is today. To the extent that people follow it in good conscience, it is permissible, because everything we consider true and consequently allowable forms our conscience. For this reason, no one these days is ever condemned for eating meat.

{*1} Genesis 1:29-30 describes vegetation as the food assigned by God to people and animals. It is only after the Flood that God explicitly gives permission to eat animals (Genesis 9:3). Swedenborg takes this to mean that people were vegetarians in the antediluvian era. [LHC, RS]

Potts(1905-1910) 1002

1002. Shall ye not eat. That this signifies not to mingle together, follows from what has just been said. Eating the flesh of animals, regarded in itself, is something profane, for in the most ancient time they never ate the flesh of any beast or bird, but only seeds, especially bread made from wheat, also the fruit of trees, vegetables, various milks and what was made from them, such as various butters. To kill animals and eat their flesh was to them a wickedness, and like wild beasts. They took from them only service and use, as is evident from Genesis 1:29-30. But in process of time, when men began to be as fierce as wild beasts, and even fiercer, they then for the first time began to kill animals and eat their flesh; and because such was man's nature, it was permitted him to do this, and is still permitted, to this day; and so far as he does it from conscience, so far it is lawful for him, since his conscience is formed of all that he supposes to be true and thus lawful. No one therefore is at this day condemned because of eating flesh.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1002

1002. 'Not eating' means not mixing together. This follows from what has been said above. Regarded in itself eating animal flesh is something profane, for in most ancient times people never ate the flesh of any beast or bird, but only different kinds of grain, especially wheaten bread, also the fruit of trees, vegetables, milk, and milk products such as butter. Slaughtering living creatures and eating their flesh was to them abominable, akin to the behaviour of wild animals. Service and use alone was demanded of those creatures, as is clear from Gen 1:29, 30. But in the process of time when mankind began to be as savage as wild animals, indeed more savage, they first began to slaughter living creatures and eat their flesh. And because man had become such, he was permitted to do so and is still permitted today. And insofar as he does so from conscience, it is quite legitimate, for his conscience is given form from all those things he presumes to be true and so legitimate. Consequently nobody nowadays stands in any sense condemned because he eats meat.

Latin(1748-1756) 1002

1002. 'Non comedere': quod significet non commiscere, inde nunc sequitur: comedere carnes animalium in se spectatum, est pro fanum quid, nam antiquissimo tempore nusquam comederunt alicujus bestiae aut avis carnem, sed solum semina, cumprimis panes ex tritico, tum fructus arborum, olera, lactes et quae ex lactibus, ut butyra mactare animalia et comedere carnes eorum, iis nefas fuit, et simile ferarum, solum ex iis servitia et usus captarunt, ut quoque constat ex Gen. i 29, 30; sed successu temporis cum homo incepit similiter ferox esse ac fera, immo ferocior, tunc primum coeperunt mactare animalia et carnes eorum comedere; et quia homo talis, etiam permissum erat, et hodie quoque permittitur; et quantum id facit ex conscientia tantum est licitum, nam conscientia ejus formatur ex omnibus illis quae vera putat, ita quae licita; quare etiam hodie nusquam aliquis condemnatur ex eo quod carnem comedat.

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