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属天的奥秘 第1003节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1003. This now shows that not eating flesh in its soul, [not eating] blood means not mingling profane things with holy. Eating blood with flesh never mingles profane things with holy, as the Lord also taught explicitly in Matthew:
It is not what goes into the mouth that renders a person unclean but what comes out of the mouth; this renders a person unclean, since the things that come out of the mouth come out of the heart. (Matthew 15:11, 17-18, 19-20)
Still, it was forbidden in the Jewish religion because, again, eating blood with the flesh at that time presented heaven with an image of profanation. Everything that took place in that religion turned into a corresponding representation in heaven. Blood turned into something sacred and heavenly. Flesh (aside from sacrifices) turned into something profane, because it symbolized cravings, as shown [999:1]. And the actual eating of both turned into a mixing together of holiness and profanation. That is why it was so strictly banned.
After the Lord's Coming, though, when outward rituals were abolished, so that representative forms died out, such practices no longer turned into corresponding representations in heaven. When people develop depth and learn about inner dimensions, superficial things lose all value for them. They realize what is truly holy, namely, charity and the faith growing out of it, which provide them with a perspective on their outer dimension, or the amount of charity and faith in the Lord they have outwardly. As a result, ever since the Lord's Coming, heaven views us not in terms of outer but inner attributes. If angels do look at any of us on the basis of external considerations, it is due to a simplicity in us, and to an innocence and kindness within the simplicity. These come from the Lord and reside within our outward traits, or our outward worship, although we are unaware of it.

Potts(1905-1910) 1003

1003. From these things it is now evident that "not to eat flesh with the soul thereof, the blood thereof" is not to mingle profane things with holy. Profane things are not mingled with holy by one's eating blood with flesh, as the Lord clearly teaches in Matthew:

Not that which entereth into the mouth defileth the man; but that which proceedeth out of the mouth, this defileth the man; for the things which proceed out of the mouth come forth out of the heart (Matt. 15:11, 18-20).But in the Jewish Church it was forbidden because, as has been said, by the eating of blood with the flesh there was then in heaven represented profanation. All things done in that church were turned in heaven into corresponding representatives-blood into the holy celestial; flesh, outside of the sacrifices, because it signified cupidities, into what is profane; and the eating of both into the mingling of the holy with the profane. For this reason it was then so severely interdicted. But after the coming of the Lord, when external rites were abolished, and thus representatives ceased, such things were no longer turned in heaven into corresponding representatives. For when man becomes internal and is instructed about internal things, external ones are of no account to him. He then knows what the holy is, namely, charity and the faith therefrom. According to these are his external things then regarded, that is to say, according to the amount of charity and faith in the Lord there is in them. Since the coming of the Lord, therefore, man is not regarded in heaven from external things, but from internal ones. And if anyone is regarded from external things it is because he is in simplicity, and in his simplicity there are innocence and charity, which are in his external things, that is, in his external worship, from the Lord, without the man's knowledge.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1003

1003. That 'not eating flesh with its soul, its blood' means not mixing together unholy things with holy is now clear from what has been stated above. Unholy things are in no way mixed with holy through somebody's eating blood along with the flesh, as also the Lord clearly teaches in Matthew,

Not what goes into the mouth renders a man unclean, but what comes out of the mouth, this renders the man unclean. For the things which come out of the mouth come out of the heart. Matt 15:11, 17-20.

It was prohibited in the Jewish Church however because in heaven, as stated, eating blood along with the flesh in those days represented profanation. Everything that took place in that Church was converted in heaven into corresponding representatives. Blood in particular was converted into that which is holy and celestial, while flesh, with the exception of that offered in sacrifices, was converted into that which is unholy, because, as has been shown, it meant evil desires. The mere eating of the two in those times was converted into a mixing together of what is holy and of what is unholy. This was why the practice was so strictly forbidden in those days. But after the Lord's Coming when external rites were abolished and so representatives came to an end, such things ceased after that to be converted in heaven into corresponding representatives. For when a man becomes internal, and has been informed concerning internal things, external things are of no importance to him. He is now aware of what holiness really is, namely, charity and faith deriving from it. Things with him which are external he now regards from the viewpoint of charity and faith, that is to say, he looks to see how much charity and faith in the Lord external things contain. This is why since the Lord's Coming heaven has looked at mankind not from the viewpoint of external things but of internal. And if anyone is looked at from the viewpoint of those things that are external it is because he dwells in simplicity, and in innocence and charity within that simplicity. These are present with him from the Lord in external things, that is, in his external worship, though he himself is not actually aware of this.

Latin(1748-1756) 1003

1003. Quod 'carnem in anima ejus, sanguinem ejus, non comedere' sit non profana sanctis commiscere, inde nunc constat profana sanctis nusquam commiscentur per id quod quis sanguinem cum carne comedat; ut quoque clare docet Dominus apud Matthaeum, Non quod intrat in os, immundum reddit hominem, sed quod egreditur ex ore, hoc immundum reddit hominem;... quae enim egrediuntur ex ore, ex corde egrediuntur, xv 11, 17-20; sed in Ecclesia Judaica fuit vetitum quia, ut dictum, per esum sanguinis cum carne tunc repraesentata fuit profanatio in caelo; omnia quae fiebant in Ecclesia ista, vertebantur in caelo in repraesentativa correspondentia, et quidem sanguis in sanctum caeleste; et caro, extra sacrificia, quia significabat cupiditates, ut ostensum, in profanum; ipseque esus utriusque in commixtionem sancti et profani; ideo tunc tam severe interdictum fuit: sed post Adventum Domini cum externa ritus aboliti sunt et sic repraesentativa cessarunt, tunc non talia in caelo amplius vertebantur in repraesentativa correspondentia; nam cum homo internus fit, et de internis instructus, tunc ei externa nihili sunt, novit tunc quid sanctam, nempe quod charitas et fides inde; ex his tunc externa ejus spectantur, nempe quantum charitatis et fidei in Dominum in externis est; quare post Adventum Domini non consideratur homo in caelo ab externis sed ab internis; qui ab externis, est inde quod ei simplicitas, et in simplicitate innocentia et charitas, quae in externis seu in externo ejus cultu, homine nesciente, a Domino insunt.

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