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属天的奥秘 第1004节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1004. Genesis 9:5. "And assuredly the blood of your souls I will seek; at the hand of every wild animal I will seek it, and at the hand of a human — at the hand of a man, [the victim's] brother — I will seek that person's soul."
Seeking the blood of your souls means that the violence inflicted on charity will inevitably punish itself, your blood meaning violence, and souls meaning those who inflict the violence. At the hand of every wild animal means by everything inside a violent person. At the hand of a human means by everything in that person's will. At the hand of a man, one's brother, means by everything in the person's intellect. To seek a person's soul means to avenge profanation.

Potts(1905-1910) 1004

1004. Verse 5. And surely your blood with your souls will I require; from the hand of every wild beast will I require it; and from the hand of man, from the hand of the man his brother will I require the soul of man. "And surely your blood with your souls will I require" signifies that violence inflicted upon charity will punish itself; "your blood" here, is violence; "souls" are they who inflict violence; "from the hand of every wild beast" signifies from all that is violent in man; "from the hand of man" is from all his will; "from the hand of the man his brother" is from all his understanding; "will I require the soul of man" is to avenge profanation.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1004

1004. Verse 5 And I will certainly require your blood with your souls; at the hand of every wild animal I will require it, and at the hand of man, at the hand of his brother man (vir) I will require the soul of man. 'Requiring your blood with your souls' means that violence done to charity will punish itself, 'your blood' here meaning violence, 'souls' people who do violence. 'At the hand of every wild animal' means from everything violent residing with a person. 'At the hand of man' is from his entire will. 'At the hand of brother man' is from his entire understanding. 'Requiring the soul of man' is avenging profanation.

Latin(1748-1756) 1004

1004. Vers. 5. Et profecto sanguinem vestrum animabus vestris quaeram, e manu omnis ferae quaeram eum, et e manu hominis, e manu viri fratris ejus, quaeram animam hominis. 'Sanguinem vestrum animabus vestris quaerere' significat quod violentia illata charitati se punitura; 'sanguis vester' hic est violentia; 'animae' sunt qui violentiam inferunt: 'e manu omnis ferae' significat ab omni quod apud hominem. violentum: 'e manu hominis' est ab omni ejus voluntario: 'e manu viri fratris' est ab omni ejus intellectuali: 'quaerere animam hominis' est vindicare profanationem.

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