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属天的奥秘 第10055节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10055

10055. An offering made by fire to Jehovah is this. That this signifies all things from the Divine love, is evident from the signification of "an offering by fire to Jehovah," as being that it is from the Divine love, for "fire" in the Word signifies love in both senses, and when said of Jehovah or the Lord, it signifies the Divine love. (That "fire" denotes love in both senses, see n. 4906, 5215, 6314, 7324; and that in the supreme sense, in which it relates to Jehovah or the Lord, it denotes the Divine love, n. 6832, 6834, 6849.) The burnt-offering is called "an offering by fire to Jehovah" because the Divine assumed the Human, and from the Human fought against the hells and subjugated them, and at the same time united it to the Divine, to save the human race, from pure love; and that this unition is signified by the burnt-offering, see n. 10042, 10053.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10055

10055. 'A fire offering to Jehovah' means all things springing from Divine Love. This is clear from the meaning of 'a fire offering to Jehovah' as that which springs from Divine Love; for 'fire' in the Word means love in both senses, and when used in reference to Jehovah or the Lord it means Divine Love. For the meaning of 'fire' as love in both senses, see 4906, 5215, 6314, 7324; and for its meaning - in the highest sense, in which Jehovah or the Lord is the subject - as Divine Love, 6832, 6834, 6849. A burnt offering is called 'a fire offering to Jehovah' because when the Divine took on the Human, from that Human fought against and subdued the hells, and at the same time united it to the Divine, in order to save the human race, He did so out of pure love. That uniting is meant by a burnt offering, see 10042, 10053.

Latin(1748-1756) 10055

10055. `Ignitum Jehovae hoc': quod significet omnia ex Divino Amore, constat ex significatione `igniti Jehovae' quod sit quod ex Divino Amore, nam `ignis' in Verbo significat amorem in utroque sensu, (c)et cum de Jehovah seu Domino, significat Divinum Amorem; quod `ignis' sit amor in utroque sensu, videatur n. 4906, 5215, 6314, 7324, et quod in supremo sensu, in quo de Jehovah seu Domino, sit Divinus Amor, n. 6832, 6834, 6849. Holocaustum dicitur `ignitum Jehovae,' quia Divinum assumpsit Humanum, et ex Humano pugnavit contra inferna et subjugavit ea, et simul univit id Divino, ad salvandum genus humanum, ex puro amore; quod unitio illa significetur per holocaustum, videatur n. 10,042, 10,053 {1}. @1 (d)unitio enim illa significatur per holocaustum, n. 10,053$

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