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属天的奥秘 第10185节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10185

10185. And its walls round about. That this signifies the interiors, is evident from the signification of "walls," or "sides," as being the interiors, for as the "roof" signifies the inmost, the "walls" beneath signify the interiors; by the interiors are meant the things beneath the inmost and above the ultimate ones, thus the middle things. That the "walls" signify the interiors is because the sides and breast with man signify the interiors, for all the representatives in nature bear relation to the human form, and have a signification in accordance with this relation (see n. 9496); as for instance a house; its highest part called the roof signifies the like as the head with a man; its more interior things which are below the highest, signify the like as the breast and sides; and its foundation, the like as the feet and soles of the feet. That this is so, is because the universal heaven bears relation to a man, and from this there is an influx into universal nature, for the natural world comes forth and subsists from the spiritual world. When the spiritual world is spoken of, there is meant the Divine of the Lord which is there. [2] That all things in nature bear relation to the human form, is also evident from all the things in the vegetable kingdom, in which kingdom all things are clothed with leaves, bearing flowers before they bring forth fruits, while fruits are the ultimate ends for the sake of which are the prior things, and to which they all look. For the leaves in that kingdom bear relation to the lungs, and are as it were in the place of the respiration, because by their means the sap is drawn up, and therefore a tree stripped of its leaves bears no fruit. From this also it is that "leaves" in the Word signify the truths of faith (n. 885), for in like manner by their means is drawn up the living power whereby good is formed. [3] The blossoming before the fruit corresponds to the state of that age with man when the conjugial inclination enters minds and gladdens them, thus when truth is being conjoined with good. But the fruit corresponds to the good itself, which, insofar as it ripens like fruit, puts itself forth into works. From this it is that "fruits" in the Word signify the works of charity; and the blossoming before the fruit is compared to the voice and joy of the bride and bridegroom; and so in all other things. [4] Therefore one who is able to reflect wisely will very clearly notice that the heavenly paradise is represented in the earthly one, and that from this all things in nature bear relation to such as are in the spiritual world. And one who is able to draw further conclusions will perceive that nature does not subsist from itself, but through influx from heaven, that is, from the Divine in heaven; insomuch that if the communication were taken away, all things of the earth would fall down to nothing. That this is so the simple apprehend, but not the wise of the world, for the reason that the simple attribute all these things to the Divine, but the wise of the world attribute them to nature.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10185

10185. 'Its walls' means inner levels. This is clear from the meaning of 'the walls' or the sides as inner levels; for when 'the roof' means that which is inmost, 'the walls', which are below it, mean the inner levels. By inner levels those which are below the inmost ones and above the lowest, thus those in the middle, should be understood. Inner levels are meant by 'the walls' because the sides and breast of the human body mean inner things; for all representatives on the natural level resemble the human form and carry the same meaning as the parts of it they resemble, 9496. The uppermost part of a house for example, called the roof, is similar in meaning to the head; the inward parts below the uppermost are similar in meaning to the breast and sides; and the foundations of the house are similar in meaning to the feet and soles of the feet. The reason why this should be so is that heaven as a whole resembles one human being, and there is an influx from there into the whole natural order. For the natural world comes into being from the spiritual world and is held in being by it. When the words 'spiritual world' are used, that which is Divine and the Lord's there should be understood.

[2] The resemblance of all things on the natural level to the human form is also clear from each member of the vegetable kingdom. Everything there is clothed with leaves and comes into blossom before bearing fruit; and the fruit is the final end, for the sake of which the previous stages of growth take place and towards which they all look. The leaves there resemble the lungs and serve so to speak in place of the breathing-system; for they are the means by which juices are drawn up the plant, which explains why a tree stripped of its leaves bears no fruit. So it is also that in the Word leaves mean truths constituting faith, 885; for by means of those truths the vital element from which good is formed is in a similar way made to rise up. The blossoming before the fruit comes corresponds to that state and time in people's lives when thoughts of marriage enter their minds and make them glad, thus when truth is joined to good. But the fruit corresponds to actual good, which, to the extent that it matures like fruit, manifests itself in deeds. So it is that in the Word fruit means the deeds of charity, and that the blossoming before the fruit is compared to the voice and the joy of a bride and bridegroom; and so on with all the rest. Anyone therefore who is able to stop and reflect sensibly will recognize most clearly that the heavenly paradise is represented in the earthly paradise, and consequently that all things within the natural order resemble such realities as exist in the spiritual world. And one who is able to draw further conclusions may see that the natural order is not self-existent but is held in being by influx from heaven, that is, from what is Divine there, so completely that if that contact were taken away everything composing the planet would collapse into nothingness. The simple can grasp the truth of this, but not so those in the world who are said to be wise. This is because the simple attribute all things to the Divine, but those in the world who are said to be wise attribute them to natural forces.

Latin(1748-1756) 10185

10185. `Parietes ejus': quod significet interiora, constat ex significatione `parietum' seu laterum, quod sint interiora, cum enim tectum' significat intimum, `parietes,' qui infra sunt, significant interiora; per interiora intelliguntur quae infra intima et supra ultima sunt, ita media. Quod `parietes' interiora significent, est quia latera et pectus apud hominem significant interiora, omnia enim repraesentativa in natura se referunt ad formam humanam, et secundum relationem ad illam significant, n. 9496; sicut domus, supremum ejus, quod vocatur (x)tectum, significat simile quod caput; {1}interiora quae infra supremum sunt significant simile quod pectus et latera; (c)ac fundamentum ejus, simile quod pedes ac plantae eorum; quod ita sit, est quia universum caelum refert unum hominem, et inde est influxus in universam naturam, nam mundus naturalis ex mundo spirituali existit et subsistit; cum dicitur mundus spiritualis, intelligitur Divinum Domini quod ibi. [2] Quod omnia in natura se referant ad formam humanam, constat {2}etiam ex singulis in regno vegetabili; vestiuntur ibi omnia foliis, florescunt antequam pariunt fructus, et fructus sunt ultimi fines, propter quos priora, et ad quos omnia spectant; folia enim ibi se referunt ad pulmones, et sunt quasi respirationis loco, nam illis mediis attrahitur sucus, quapropter arbor spoliata foliis non fert fructum; inde quoque est quod folia in Verbo significent vera quae fidei, n. 885, nam similiter per ea subducitur vitale quo formatur bonum; florescentia ante 3 fructum correspondet statui {3}illius aetatis apud hominem quando conjugiale intrat animos (c)et laetificat illos, ita quando verum conjungitur bono; fructus autem {4}correspondet ipsi bono, quod quantum maturescit sicut fructus, tantum se exserit in opera; inde est quod fructus in Verbo significent opera charitatis; et quod florescentia ante fructum comparetur voci et gaudio sponsae et sponsi; ita in reliquis; quapropter 4 qui sapienter potest reflectere, animadvertet admodum clare quod paradisus caelestis repraesentetur in paradiso terrestri, et inde quod omnia in natura se referant ad talia quae in mundo spirituali sunt; et qui ulterius {5}potest concludere, {6}percipiet quod natura non ex se subsistat, sed per influxum ex caelo, hoc est, ex Divino ibi, usque adeo ut si communicatio auferretur, omnia telluris caderent in nihilum; quod ita sit, simplices capiunt, non ita sapientes mundi; causa est quia simplices omnia illa tribuunt Divino, at sapientes mundi naturae. @1 inferiora$ @2 After singulis$ @3 primi aevi$ @4 correspondet altered to correspondent$ @5 possunt$ @6 percipient$

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