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属天的奥秘 第10259节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10259

10259. Five hundred. That this signifies full, is evident from what was shown above (n. 10253). The reason why five hundred in the shekel of holiness were taken of myrrh, and five hundred of cassia, but only two hundred and fifty of aromatic cinnamon and of aromatic calamus, was that "myrrh" signified sensuous truth, which is the truth last in order, and "cassia" the truth that proceeds immediately from good, which is inmost truth; whereas "aromatic cinnamon" and "aromatic calamus" signified interior truths, which are intermediate; and of the last and the inmost there must be what is full; but of the intermediates a corresponding quantity; for intermediates must hold themselves so as to correspond with what is first and what is last.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10259

10259. 'Five hundred' means that which is complete. This is clear from what has been shown above in 10253. The reason why five hundred [shekels] of myyrh, 'according to the shekel of holiness', were taken, and five hundred of cassia, but only two hundred and fifty of sweet-smelling cinnamon and of sweet-smelling calamus, was that 'myrrh' was a sign of truth on the level of the senses, which is truth last and lowest in sequence, and 'cassia' a sign of truth that emanates directly from good, which is inmost truth, whereas 'sweet-smelling cinnamon' and 'sweet-smelling calamus' were signs of the inner levels of truth that are in between. Of the last and of the inmost there must be a complete amount, but of those in between a corresponding amount, for those in between must exist in a relationship in which they correspond to the first and the last.

Latin(1748-1756) 10259

10259. `Quingenta': quod significet plenum, constat ex illis quae supra n. 10,253 ostensa sunt. Quod quingenta in siclo sanctitatis desumpta sint ex myrrha, ac quingenta ex casia, {1}at modo quinquaginta et ducenta ex cinnamomo aromatico, et ex calamo {2}aromatico, erat causa quia `myrrha' significabat verum sensuale, quod est verum ultimum in ordine, et `casia' verum quod immediate procedit ex bono, quod est verum intimum; at `cinnamomum aromaticum' et `calamus aromaticus' significabant vera interiora, quae sunt media; et ex ultimo et intimo erit plenum, ex mediis autem quantum correspondens, media enim se habebunt ad primum et ultimum correspondenter. @1 et$ @2 odorato$

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