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属天的奥秘 第10293节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10293

10293. And onycha. That this signifies the affection of interior natural truth, is evident from the signification of "fragrant onycha," as being the affection of natural truth. By "onycha" is signified this truth, and by "fragrant," the perceptivity of what is grateful, which is from the affection of truth, thus there is signified the affection itself. It is said "fragrant onycha" because this expression is used both before and after the enumeration of these spices in these words: "take to thee fragrant spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum, things fragrant." That it is the affection of truth in the natural which is signified by "onycha," is because it is mentioned in the second place; for the spices are mentioned in order, according to the truths with man, from most external to inmost; hence by "stacte" is signified the affection of sensuous truth, which is truth most external; by "onycha," the affection of natural truth, which is interior truth in the natural man; by "galbanum," an affection of truth still more interior, which is interior truth in the spiritual or internal man; and by "frankincense," inmost truth in the internal man, which is spiritual good-in like manner as was signified by the spices from which the oil of anointing was prepared, which were best myrrh, aromatic cinnamon, aromatic calamus, and cassia (that these spices signified truths in such an order, see n. 10252, 10254, 10256, 10258). But the difference is that those truths which are signified by the spices of the oil of anointing, belong to the celestial class, while these truths which are signified by the spices of the incense, belong to the spiritual class (of which distinction see above, n. 10254, 10291).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10293

10293. 'And onycha' means an affection for truth on the more internal natural level. This is clear from the meaning of 'sweet-smelling onycha' as an affection for natural truth; 'onycha' means that truth, while 'sweet-smelling' means the perception of what is pleasing, which springs from the affection for truth, and so means the affection itself. The reason for calling it 'sweet-smelling' onycha is that it is described as such both before and after the listing of these spices, in the words, 'Take for yourself sweet-smelling spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum - sweet-smelling ones'. The reason why an affection for truth in the natural is what is meant by 'onycha' is that this spice is mentioned second; for the spices are mentioned in the order in which the different kinds of truth are present with a person, from the most external to the inmost levels of them. Consequently 'stacte' means an affection for truth on the level of the senses, which is the most external kind of truth; 'onycha' means an affection for truth on the natural level, which is interior truth within the natural man; 'galbanum' means an affection for truth on a still more internal level, which is interior truth within the spiritual or internal man; and 'frankincense' means truth on the inmost level within the internal man, which is spiritual good. They have a similar meaning to the spices that the anointing oil consisted of, which were the best myrrh, sweet-smelling cinnamon, sweet-smelling calamus, and cassia. These too mean those levels of truth in that same order, see 10252, 10254, 10256, 10258; but the difference is that the kinds of truth meant by the spices of the anointing oil belong to the celestial group, whereas those meant by the spices of the incense belong to the spiritual group, a subject dealt with above in 10254, 10291.

Latin(1748-1756) 10293

10293. `Et onychen': quod significet affectionem veri interioris naturalis, constat ex significatione `onyches fragrantis' quod sit affectio veri naturalis; per onychen' significatur id verum, et per `fragrans' perceptivum grati, quod est ex affectione veri, ita ipsa affectio; quod dicatur `onyche fragrans,' est quia dicitur supra et post enumerationem horum aromatum, his verbis, Accipe tibi aromata fragrantia, stacten, et onychen, et galbanum, fragrantia. Quod sit affectio veri in naturali quae per `onychen' significatur, est quia {1}secundo loco nominatur, nominantur enim aromata in ordine secundum vera apud hominem a maxime externis ad intima; inde est quod per `stacten' significetur affectio veri sensualis, quod est verum maxime externum, per `onychen' affectio veri naturalis, quod est verum interius in naturali homine, per `galbanum' affectio veri adhuc interioris, quod verum est verum (x)interius in spirituali seu interno homine, {2}et per `tus' verum intimum in interno homine, quod est bonum spirituale; similiter ac significatum est per aromata ex quibus oleum unctionis, quae erant myrrha optima, cinnamomum aromaticum, calamus aromaticus, et casia; quod illa significent vera in tali ordine, videatur {3} n. 10,252, 10,254, 10,256, 10,258; sed quod differentia sit quod ea vera quae significantur per aromata {4}olei unctionis, pertineant ad classem caelestem, haec autem vera, quae (x)significantur per aromata {5}suffimenti, pertineant ad classem spiritualem, de qua (x)re supra n. 10,254, (x)10,291. @1 in secundo ordine$ @2 et per thus, affectio veri adhuc interioris, quod est verum intimum in spirituale seu interno homine$ @3 i supra$ @4 , ex quibus parabatur oleum$ @5 , ex quibus conficiebatur suffimentum$

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