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属天的奥秘 第10359节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10359

10359. To know that I am Jehovah who maketh you holy. That this signifies the Lord as to the Divine Human, which all things of heaven and of the church look to as their one only source, is evident from the signification of "holy," as being the Divine in heaven and in the church, for this alone is holy; and the Divine in heaven and in the church proceeds from the Divine Human of the Lord; thus it is the Divine Human of the Lord which alone is holy, consequently which makes holy. From this it is plain that the Divine Human is what all things of heaven and of the church look to as their only source. For heaven is not heaven from what belongs to the angels, but from the Divine of the Lord with them; and the same is true of the church with men. It is said, "I am Jehovah who maketh you holy," and by "Jehovah" is meant the Lord. But as these subjects have already been frequently treated of, see what has been said and shown about them; as, That the Lord alone is holy, and that all that is holy proceeds from Him (n. 9229, 9680, 9820): That "being made holy" denotes the reception of the Divine of the Lord (n. 9820, 10128, 10276): That the angels acknowledge no other Divine than the Divine Human of the Lord (n. 9276, 10159): Thus that the Lord as to the Divine Human is heaven and the church, because He dwells in His own there, and not in what belongs to others (n. 10125, 10151, 10157): And that "Jehovah" in the Word denotes the Lord (see the places cited in n. 9373).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10359

10359. 'That you may know that I Jehovah am sanctifying you' means the Lord's Divine Human, which all things of heaven and the Church look to as their one and only Source. This is clear from the meaning of 'what is holy' as that which is Divine within heaven and within the Church, for that alone is holy; and what is Divine within heaven and the Church emanates from the Lord's Divine Human, so that it is the Lord's Divine Human that alone is holy and consequently that sanctifies. From this it is evident that the Lord's Divine Human is what all things of heaven and the Church look to as their one and only Source. For heaven is heaven not by virtue of what is the angels' own but by virtue of what is Divine and the Lord's with them; and the like applies to the Church among people on earth. It says, 'I Jehovah am sanctifying you', and 'Jehovah' is used to mean the Lord. But since all these matters have often been dealt with before, see what has been stated and shown about them there,

The Lord alone is holy and all holiness emanates from Him, 9229, 9680, 9820. Sanctification is the reception of what is Divine and the Lord's, 9820, 10128, 10276. Angels acknowledge nothing else Divine except the Lord's Divine Human, 10159, 10267. Thus the Lord's Divine Human constitutes heaven and the Church, because He dwells in what is His own there and not in what is others', 10125, 10151, 10157. Jehovah in the Word is the Lord, see in the places referred to in 9373.

Latin(1748-1756) 10359

10359. `Ad sciendum quod Ego Jehovah sanctificans vos': quod significet Dominum quoad Divinum Humanum, quod spectant omnia caeli et Ecclesiae ut unicum a Quo, constat (c)a significatione `sancti' quod sit Divinum in caelo et in Ecclesia, nam hoc solum sanctum est; (c)ac Divinum {1}in caelo et Ecclesia procedit ex Divino Humano Domini, ita est Divinum Humanum Domini quod solum sanctum, proinde quod sanctificat; inde patet quod id sit quod spectant omnia caeli et Ecclesiae ut unicum a Quo; caelum enim {2}est caelum non a proprio angelorum sed a Divino Domini apud {3}illos; similiter Ecclesia apud homines; (m)dicitur, `Ego Jehovah sanctificans vos,'(n) {4}et per `Jehovam' intelligitur Dominus. Sed quia de {5}illis saepius actum est prius, videantur quae de illis {6}ibi dicta et ostensa sunt, ut quod Dominus solus sanctus, et quod omne sanctum procedat ab Ipso, n. 9229, 9680, 9820, quod sanctificatio sit receptio Divini Domini, n. 9820, 10,128, 10,276, quod angeli non aliud Divinum agnoscant quam Divinum Humanum Domini, n. (x)9276, 10,159, ita quod Dominus quoad Divinum Humanum sit caelum et Ecclesia, quia habitat in Suo ibi et non in proprio {7}aliorum, n. 10,125, 10,151, 10,157, et quod Jehovah in Verbo sit Dominus, in locis citatis n. 9373. @1 quod in coelo et in Ecclesia, hoc$ @2 d est coelum i dicitur coelum$ @3 angelos$ @4 quod Jehovah in Verbo sit Dominus, videatur in locis citatis, n. 9373$ @5 his$ @6 prius$ @7 illorum qui ibi$

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