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属天的奥秘 第10410节


  10410.“亚伦看见”表赞成。这从“看见”的含义清楚可知,“看见”是指赞成。“看见”在此表示赞成,这从接下来的经文明显看出来,即:亚伦筑了一座坛,并在它或这偶像面前宣告节日。因为“亚伦”代表与内在分离的圣言、教会和敬拜的外在(10397节);这表明赞成凡由人自己的聪明和自己的爱所行的一切, 这些事由亚伦用凿子从金子中塑造出来的牛犊铸像来表示,如前所述。

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Potts(1905-1910) 10410

10410. And Aaron saw. That this signifies approval, is evident from the signification of "seeing," as being approval. That "seeing" here denotes approval is evident from what now follows, namely, that Aaron built an altar and proclaimed a feast before it. For by Aaron is represented the external of the Word, of the church, and of worship, separate from the internal (n. 10397); and this approves all that which is done from man's own intelligence, and from his own love, which things are signified by the molten calf formed by Aaron from gold with a graving tool, of which in what precedes.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10410

10410. 'And Aaron saw it' means approval. This is clear from the meaning of 'seeing' as approval. The fact that 'seeing' here means approval is evident from what is stated immediately after, namely that he built an altar and proclaimed a feast for that [idol]. For 'Aaron' represents the outward aspect of the Word, the Church, and worship, separated from the inward, 10397; and this stamps its approval on everything that is achieved by a person's own intelligence and own love, which are meant by the calf of molded [metal], fashioned out of the gold with a chisel by Aaron, dealt with in what comes before.

Latin(1748-1756) 10410

10410. `Et videbat Aharon': quod significet approbationem, constat significatione `videre' quod sit approbatio; quod `videre' hic sit approbatio, patet a nunc sequentibus, quod nempe aedificaverit altare, et proclamaverit festum pro eo; per `Aharonem' enim {1} repraesentatur externum Verbi, Ecclesiae, et cultus {2}separatum ab interno, n. 10,397; ac id approbat omne id quod ex propria intelligentia et ex proprio amore {3}fit, quae significantur per vitulum fusilis ex auro formatum {4} caelo ab Aharone, de quibus in praecedentibus. @1 i hic$ @2 absque$ @3 est$ @4 i etiam$

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