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属天的奥秘 第10411节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10411

10411. And he built an altar before it. That this signifies worship, is evident from the signification of "an altar," as being the chief representative of Divine worship (see n. 4541, 8935, 8940, 9714, 10242, 10245), but here of diabolical worship, because those who are in external things without what is internal communicate with the hells, and not with the heavens. For the internal of man is his heaven, and his external is his world. Moreover, his internal has been formed according to the image of heaven, thus for the reception of such things as are there; and his external according to the image of the world, thus for the reception of such things as are there. (See the places cited in n. 9279, 10156.) Therefore when the internal is closed, heaven also is closed, and then the external is no longer directed from heaven, but from hell; and therefore their worship is not Divine, but is diabolical. They do indeed make mention of the Divine, and they also worship it, but in the external form and not in the internal, which is to do so from the mouth and not from the heart; and those who act differently do not worship the Divine for the sake of the Divine, but for the sake of self and the world. Where the heart is, there is the worship. From this it is evident that by "building an altar before the golden calf," is signified the worship of the devil.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10411

10411. 'And built an altar in front of it' means worship. This is clear from the meaning of 'an altar' as the chief representative of Divine worship, dealt with in 4541, 8935, 8940, 9714, 10242, 10245, but at this point that which is representative of devilish worship since those whose interest lies in external things and not in what is internal are in contact with the hells and not with the heavens. (For a person's internal is his heaven, and his external is his world. His internal furthermore has been so created as to conform to an image of heaven, thus to receive such things as belong there, and his external to conform to an image of the world, thus to receive such things as belong here, see in the places referred to in 9279, 10156. Consequently when the internal is closed, so is heaven, and then the external is no longer ruled from heaven but from hell.) Therefore their worship is not Divine but devilish. They do, it is true, speak of the Divine and also offer Him worship, but outwardly and not inwardly, that is, with their lips but not with their heart. Nor do they worshipa the Divine for His sake but for the sake of themselves and the world. Where the heart is, in that place there is worship. From all this it is evident that 'building an altar in front of the golden calf' means worship of the devil.


a The Latin means And those who do otherwise do not worship. But this does not seem to make sense; nor is it what Sw. has in his rough draft.

Latin(1748-1756) 10411

10411. `Et aedificabat altare coram eo': quod significet cultum, constat ex significatione `altaris' quod sit principale repraesentativum cultus Divini, de qua n. 4541, 8935, 8940, 9714, 10,242, 10,245, hic autem cultus diabolici, quoniam qui in externis sunt absque interno, communicant cum internis et non cum caelis; internum enim hominis est caelum ejus, et externum ejus est mundus ejus; etiam internum ejus formatum est ad imaginem caeli, ita ad receptionem talium quae ibi, ac externum ad imaginem mundi, ita ad receptionem talium quae ibi, videatur in locis citatis n. 9279, 10,156; inde cum internum est clausum, etiam caelum {1}est clausum, ac tunc externum non amplius regitur e caelo sed ex inferno; {2}quare cultus eorum non est Divinus sed diabolicus; {3}nominant quidem Divinum, et quoque colunt illud, sed in externa forma et non in interna, quod est ex ore et non ex corde; et qui aliter, non colunt Divinum propter Divinum sed propter semet et mundum; ubi cor est, ibi est cultus; inde patet quod per `aedificare altare coram vitulo aureo' significetur cultus diaboli. @1 i illi$ @2 inde est$ @3 colunt etiam Divinum non ex corde, sed solum ore, et quoque non propter Divinum$

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