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属天的奥秘 第10514节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10514

10514. They also represented their holy edifices before the spirits of our earth, who said that they had never seen anything more magnificent. They were also represented to me, and the manner of their construction was consequently seen. They are constructed of trees, not cut down, but growing in their native soil. They said that on that earth there are trees of extraordinary growth and height. These they set in rows when young, that they may serve for porticoes and arboreal walks;* and while their branches are tender they adapt and prepare them by means of cuttings and prunings to entwine one with another and join themselves together, so as to form the groundwork and floor of the edifice to be constructed; and other branches at the sides rise to serve as walls; and yet others bend into arches above to form the roof. In this manner they construct the edifice with wonderful art, raised high above the ground. They also prepare an ascent into it by means of continuous branches of trees, stretched out and firmly connected together. Moreover, they adorn this edifice in various ways, both without and within, by fastening the leaves together into forms. So do they build an entire grove. But it was not granted me to see the nature of the interior of these edifices, except that the light of their sun is let in through openings between the branches, and is everywhere transmitted through crystals, whereby the light all round the walls is variegated into colors like those of the rainbow, especially the colors blue and orange, which they love more than the other colors. Such is the nature of their architecture, which they prefer to the most magnificent palaces of our earth, and which was also esteemed and praised above these by the spirits of our earth. * Beneath the edifice; see n. 10516 [Reviser.]

Elliott(1983-1999) 10514

10514. They also represented their temples before the eyes of spirits belonging to our planet, who said that they had seen nothing more magnificent. They were represented to me as well, from which I saw how they were constructed. They were constructed of trees, not of ones that had been cut down but of those growing in their natural soil. They said that on that planet there were trees wonderfully tall and high. They set them out in rows when these are saplings to grow into arcades and avenues. Then they shape and train the branches while these are still young by cutting and pruning them so that they may interweave and combine together to form the base and hard floor of the temple to be constructed. Other branches rise up at the sides to form the walls, while others bow at the top to form the roof. In this way the temple is constructed by them with astonishing skill, raised high up above the ground, to which they also provide a way up by means of a continuous succession of horizontal tree-branches firmly linked together. In addition they decorate that temple in various ways outside and in with foliage formed into shapes. By this means they construct an entire grove. But I was not allowed to see what those temples are like inside, except to see that the light of their sun is let in through openings among the branches, and in various places passes through crystals, which split the light into various rainbow-like colours around the walls, especially blues and oranges, which they like more than all others. These are their wonderful feats of architectural skill which they prefer to the most magnificent palaces on our planet, and which our spirits too admired and praised more than these palaces.

Latin(1748-1756) 10514

10514. Repraesentabant etiam sacras suas aedes coram spiritibus nostrae telluris, qui dicebant quod magnificentius nihil viderint; repraesentatae etiam sunt mihi, inde visae quomodo construuntur; construuntur ex arboribus non caesis sed in nativo suo solo crescentibus; dicebant quod in tellure illa essent arbores admiranda proceritate et altitudine; illas a suis initiis disponunt in ordines ut sint in porticus et in ambulacra; ac ramos earum a teneris aptant et parant per sectiones et putationes ut consertent et conjungant se pro aedis construendae solo et pavimento, et alii ad latera se elevent pro parietibus et alii superne inflectant se in arcus pro tecto; inde construunt aedem admiranda arte, elevatam alte supra terram, in quam etiam ascensum parant per continuos ramos arborum, exporrectos et firmiter connexos. Insuper exornant aedem illam extra et intra variis modis, per applicationes frondium in formas; ita aedificant integrum lucum. Sed quales sunt illae aedes intus, (x)non videre datum est, solum quod lux solis eorum intromittatur per aperturas inter ramos, ac passim transmittatur per crystalla, per quae lux variegatur in colores quasi iridis circum parietes, imprimis in colores caeruleos et aurantios, quos prae reliquis amant. Haec sunt illorum architectonica, quae praeferunt palatiis magnificentissimis nostrae telluris; etiam prae his a nostris spiritibus aestimata et collaudata sunt.

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