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属天的奥秘 第10513节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10513

10513. CONTINUATION ABOUT THE THIRD EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. There were represented before the spirits of that earth magnificent palaces, after the likeness of those in which kings and princes dwell on our earth; for such things can be represented before spirits, and when represented they appear exactly as if they were real. But the spirits from that earth held them in no estimation, calling them marble effigies. And then they told us that with them there are things more magnificent, but that these are their holy edifices, not of stone, but of wood. And when it was said to them that these too are earthly things, they answered that they are not earthly, but heavenly, because when they behold them they have not an earthly idea, but a heavenly one, believing that they will see the like in heaven after death.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10513

10513. THE THIRD PLANET OUT IN SPACE - continued

Magnificent palaces were represented before the eyes of the spirits belonging to that planet, resembling those inhabited by kings and princes on ours; for such objects can be represented before the eyes of spirits, and when they are represented they look totally real. But the spirits from that planet did not admire them at all; they called them marble imitations. Theirs, they declared, were more magnificent; but these were their sacred houses or temples, constructed not of stone but wood. And when they were told that for all that those temples were earthly they replied that they were not so, but were heavenly, because when they look at them they do not have anything earthly in mind but something heavenly, believing that they will see objects like this in heaven after death.

Latin(1748-1756) 10513

10513. Continuatio de Tertia Tellure in Caelo Astrifero

Coram spiritibus illius telluris repraesentabantur magnifica palatia, ad similitudinem illorum quae in nostra tellure apud reges et principes sunt; nam talia coram spiritibus repraesentari possunt, et cum repraesentantur apparent prorsus sicut forent; verum spiritus ex illa tellure nihil illa aestimabant, vocabant illa simulacra marmorea; et tunc narrabant quod apud eos magnificentiora sint; sed quod illa essent aedes eorum sacrae, non ex lapide sed ex ligno; et cum illis dicebatur quod illa usque essent terrestria, respondebant quod non essent, sed caelestia, quia cum illa inspiciuntur, non ideam terrestrem sed caelestem habent, credentes quod etiam visuri similia in caelo post mortem.

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