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属天的奥秘 第10516节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10516

10516. They said that they do not live in societies, but each household by itself, and that they are in societies when they come together for worship; and that then those who teach walk beneath the edifice in the porticoes, and the rest at the sides, and that in these meetings they have interior joys, from the sight of the edifice, and from the worship therein.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10516

10516. They said that they do not live in communities but in individual households, and that they gather into communities when they assemble for worship. During worship those who teach walk down below the temple in the arcades, while the rest stay at the sides. Whenever they are assembled there they are thrilled within by the sight of the temple and the worship taking place in it.

Latin(1748-1756) 10516

10516. Dicebant quod non vivant societates sed domus pro se, et quod societates sint quando conveniunt ad cultum; et quod tunc infra aedem in porticibus ambulent qui docent, ac reliqui ad latera; et quod in conventibus illis sint iis gaudia interiora, ex conspecta aede, et ex cultu in illa.

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