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属天的奥秘 第10517节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10517

10517. Besides all this they are upright, insomuch that they may be called probities. They bear the injuries done them without any revengeful feeling. They become anxious as soon as they approach those who think about bodily and earthly things, but glad and cheerful on approaching those who think about heavenly things. The anxiety excited in them by the spirits of our earth who were about me, on account of these being of a contrary nature, was plainly perceived. For the spirits of our earth think little about heavenly things, and much about bodily and earthly things; and when they think about heavenly things, they think about truths, and not about good; whereas the spirits from that earth think about good, and but little about truths. From this it is that the inhabitants of that earth love plantations of trees, and their sacred edifice made of trees; and that they hold in aversion works of stone and houses of stone; for trees and wood from the correspondence signify goods, whereas stones and houses built of stone signify truths (n. 3720). Moreover, man is such that he loves those things which correspond to his interior affections, although during his life in the world he does not know this.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10517

10517. Furthermore they are honest and virtuous people, so that they may be called paragons of virtue; they endure the wrongs that are done to them without any thought of getting their own back. They feel uneasy as soon as they encounter those whose thoughts are focused on bodily and earthly things, and cheerful and glad when they encounter those whose thoughts are focused on heavenly ones. I became aware also of the uneasiness they felt, caused by the presence of the spirits belonging to our planet who were around me, because they were of a contrary disposition. For spirits belonging to our planet give little thought to heavenly things and much thought to bodily and earthly ones. And when they do give thought to heavenly things, they focus their attention on truths and not on good, whereas spirits from that planet out in space focus on good and little on truths. This explains why the inhabitants of that planet love plantations of trees and their temple consisting of them, and loathe blocks of stone and houses made from them. For trees and wood by virtue of their correspondence mean forms of good, but stones and houses made from them mean truths, 3720. Also a person is by disposition such that he loves objects which correspond to his inner affections, though he is not conscious of this while he lives in the world.

Latin(1748-1756) 10517

10517. Praeterea probi sunt, ut dici queant probitates; patiuntur injurias, quae sibi inferuntur, absque animo vindicandi. Anxii fiunt ut primum veniunt ad illos qui de corporeis et terrestribus cogitant, ac laeti et hilares cum ad illos qui de caelestibus; percepta etiam est anxietas illorum ex spiritibus nostrae telluris qui circum me erant, quia ex indole contraria; nostrae enim telluris spiritus parum cogitant de caelestibus, et multum de corporeis et terrestribus; et cum de caelestibus, de veris cogitant et non de bono; spiritus autem ex illa tellure de bono cogitant, et parum de veris. Inde est quod incolae illius telluris ament arboreta, ac aedem suam ex illis, et aversentur lapidea et domos ex illis; arbores enim et ligna ex correspondentia significant bona, at lapides et domus ex illis significant vera, n. 3720; homo etiam talis est ut amet illa quae affectionibus ejus interioribus correspondent, (x)tametsi cum in mundo vivit, id nescit.

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