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属天的奥秘 第10521节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10521

10521. In this sense the Lord's "body" or "flesh" denotes the good of love, in like manner the "bread;" and the Lord's "blood" denotes the good of faith, in like manner the "wine;" and "eating" denotes appropriation and conjunction. The angels who are with a man when he comes to the sacrament of the Supper perceive these things no otherwise; for they apprehend all things spiritually. From this it is that there then flows in from the angels to the man, thus through heaven from the Lord, a holy feeling of love and of faith. From this comes the conjunction.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10521

10521. In that sense the Lord's body or flesh is the good of love, as is the bread, and the Lord's blood is the good of faith, as is the wine; and the eating is making them one's own and being joined [to heaven and the Lord]. The angels who are present with a person attending the sacrament of the Holy Supper perceive these things in no other way, since everything is understood by them on a spiritual level. This is why holy feelings belonging to love and holy thoughts belonging to faith pass at this time from the angels to that person, and so by way of heaven from the Lord; and the result is that they are joined together.

Latin(1748-1756) 10521

10521. In illo sensu corpus aut caro Domini est bonum amoris, similiter panis; ac sanguis Domini est bonum fidei, similiter vinum; ac manducatio est appropriatio et conjunctio. Angeli qui sunt apud hominem qui obit sacramentum Cenae, non aliter percipiunt illa, spiritualiter enim capiunt omnia; inde est quod sanctum amoris et sanctum fidei influat tunc ab angelis ad hominem, ita per caelum a Domino; inde conjunctio.

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