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属天的奥秘 第10531节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10531

10531. For I will not go up in the midst of thee. That this signifies that nevertheless the Divine was not with the nation itself, is evident from the signification of "not going up in the midst of the people," when this is said by Jehovah, as being that the Divine was not in the nation itself; thus that there was no church; for the Divine is where the church is; for "to go up unto the land" denotes to constitute the church (see above, n. 10526); and "in the midst of thee" denotes in its internal.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10531

10531. 'For I will not go up in your midst' means that nevertheless what is Divine does not reside with the actual nation. This is clear from the meaning of 'not going up in the midst of the people', when this is said by Jehovah, as the fact that what is Divine does not reside with the actual nation, nor therefore does the Church; for if the Church resides with someone, so does that which is Divine. 'Going up to the land' means setting up the Church, as above in 10526, and 'in your midst' means in the inward part of it.

Latin(1748-1756) 10531

10531. `Quia non ascendam in medio tui': quod significet non tamen usque Divinum apud ipsam gentem, constat ex significatione `non ascendere in medio populi' cum hoc dicitur a Jehovah, quod sit quod non Divinum sit in ipsa gente, ita non Ecclesia; apud quem enim est Ecclesia, ibi est Divinum; nam `ascendere ad terram' est constituere Ecclesiam, ut supra n. 10526, et `in medio tui' est in interno ejus.

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