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属天的奥秘 第10530节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10530

10530. Unto a land flowing with milk and honey. That this signifies what is pleasant and delightful from the good of faith and of love, is evident from the signification of "land," as being the church (of which in the places cited in n. 9325); from the signification of "milk," as being spiritual good, which is the good of faith (see n. 2184); from the signification of "honey," as being celestial good, which is the good of love; and from the signification of "flowing," as being to be full. And because these things are signified by "a land flowing with milk and honey," that which is pleasant and delightful from the good of faith and of love is also signified (n. 5620). It is said what is pleasant and delightful from these, because heavenly pleasantness and delight itself is in the good of faith and of love; for every good has its delight, for that is called good which is loved, and all delight is of love. The delight which is meant by heavenly joy, and by eternal happiness, is from no other source than the love of truth and of good. That this delight is superior to any delight of any love whatsoever that is to be found in the world, is quite unknown to those who make all delight to consist in worldly, bodily, and earthly things.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10530

10530. '[Go up] to a land flowing with milk and honey' means feelings of pleasure and delight derived from the good of faith and love. This is clear from the meaning of 'a land' as the Church, dealt with in the places referred to in 9325; from the meaning of 'milk' as spiritual good, which is the good of faith, dealt with in 2184; from the meaning of 'honey' as celestial good, which is the good of love; and from the meaning of 'flowing' as being full. And since these things are meant by 'a land flowing with milk and honey', feelings of pleasure and delight derived from the good of faith and love are also meant, see 5620. 'Feelings of pleasure and delight' derived from such good are spoken of because the good of faith and love brings real heavenly pleasure and delight. All good brings its own delight; for the word 'good' is used to denote that which is loved, and every feeling of delight owes its existence to love. The feelings of delight meant by heavenly joy and eternal happiness spring from nothing other than the love of what is true and good. The superiority of these feelings of delight to all those belonging to any love that exists in the world is completely unknown to those who suppose that all delight resides in worldly, bodily, and earthly things.

Latin(1748-1756) 10530

10530. `Ad terram fluentem lacte et melle': quod significet amoenum et jucundum ex bono fidei et amoris, constat (c)a significatione `terrae' quod sit Ecclesia, de qua in locis citatis n. (x)9325, ex significatione `lactis' quod sit bonum spirituale, quod est bonum fidei, de qua n. 2184, et ex significatione `mellis' quod sit bonum caeleste, quod est bonum amoris, et ex significatione `fluere' quod sit plenum esse; et quia haec significantur per `terram fluentem lacte et melle,' etiam significantur amoenum et jucundum ex bono fidei et amoris, videatur n. 5620; dicitur amoenum et jucundum ex illis, quoniam in bono fidei et amoris est ipsum amoenum et jucundum caeleste; omne enim bonum suum jucundum habet, {1}id enim dicitur bonum quod amatur, et omne jucundum est amoris; jucundum quod intelligitur per gaudium caeleste et per felicitatem aeternam non aliunde est quam ex amore veri et boni; quod hoc jucundum sit supra omne jucundum cujuscumque amoris in mundo, nesciunt prorsus illi qui omne jucundum ponunt in mundanis, corporeis, et terrestribus. @1 bonum enim dicitur$

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