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属天的奥秘 第10533节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10533

10533. Perchance I should consume thee in the way. That this signifies that if what is Divine were to flow in with this nation it would perish, is evident from the signification of "consuming," as being to perish. That that nation would perish if what is Divine were to flow in with them, is evident, for it is said, "I will not go up in the midst of thee; perchance I should consume thee in the way." The case herein is this. They who are in external things without what is internal, thus in the loves of self and of the world, cannot possibly receive anything Divine; and therefore the internal with them is kept closed. If the internal were opened with them, and what is Divine were to flow in, they would utterly perish; for their life is from the loves of self and of the world, and there is a perpetual opposition and contrariety between these loves and heavenly loves, and heavenly loves are what is Divine; and therefore their life would be extinguished by the influx of what is Divine. That the Israelitish nation was in external things without what is internal, thus was in these loves, has frequently been shown above.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10533

10533. 'Perchance I might consume you on the way' means that this nation would be destroyed if what is Divine were to flow in and reside with it. This is clear from the meaning of 'consuming' as being destroyed. It is self-evident that that nation would be destroyed if what is Divine were to flow in and reside with it, for the words that are used are, 'I will not go up in your midst, perchance I might consume you on the way'. The implications of this are that people whose interest lies in external things and not in what is internal, and so who are ruled by self-love and love of the world, are utterly incapable of receiving anything Divine. For that reason their internal is kept closed. If their internal were opened and what is Divine were to flow in they would be completely destroyed, since their life consists of self-love and love of the world, and unceasing opposition and repugnance exists between these loves and heavenly loves, heavenly loves consisting in what is Divine. Consequently their life would be snuffed out by anything Divine flowing in. The fact that the interest of the Israelite nation lay in external things and not in what was internal has been shown frequently above.

Latin(1748-1756) 10533

10533. `Forte consumpsero te in via': quod significet quod gens illa, si Divinum influeret apud illam, periret, constat ex significatione `consumere' quod sit perire; quod peritura gens illa si Divinum influeret apud illam, patet, nam dicitur, `Non ascendam in medio tui, forte consumpsero te in via.' Cum his ita se habet: qui in externis sunt absque interno, ita in amoribus sui et mundi, plane non recipere possunt aliquod Divinum; quapropter internum apud illos clausum tenetur; si apud illos aperiretur internum ac influeret Divinum, prorsus perirent, vita enim eorum {1}est ex amoribus sui et mundi, et perpetua opposito et contrarietas est inter illos amores et inter caelestes amores, et caelestes amores sunt Divinum, quapropter ex influxu Divini exstingueretur vita eorum; quod gens Israelitica in externis absque interno fuerit, ita in illis amoribus, supra saepius ostensum est. @1 After mundi$

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