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属天的奥秘 第10534节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10534

10534. Verses 4-6. And the people heard this evil word, and they mourned; and they put not any man his ornament upon him. And Jehovah said unto Moses, Say unto the sons of Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people; I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and will consume thee; therefore now bring down thine ornament from upon thee, and I shall know what I will do to thee. And the sons of Israel stripped themselves of their ornament by Mount Horeb. "And the people heard this evil word, and they mourned," signifies their grief at not being pre-eminent to others; "and they put not any man his ornament upon him," signifies the quality of their external, that it was devoid of what is Divine; "and Jehovah said unto Moses," signifies instruction; "Say unto the sons of Israel, Ye are a stiff-necked people," signifies that that nation would not receive influx from the Divine; "I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and will consume thee," signifies that they would perish if what is Divine were to flow in with them; "therefore now bring down thine ornament from upon thee," signifies the quality of their external, that it was devoid of what is Divine; "and I shall know what I will do to thee," signifies that in this way something may come forth with them; "and the sons of Israel stripped themselves of their ornament," signifies the deprivation of Divine truth in the external things with them; "by Mount Horeb," signifies in the external things of worship, of the church, and of the Word.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10534

10534. Verses 4-6 And the people heard this bad newsa, and mourned; and no one put on his fineryb. And Jehovah said to Moses, Say to the children of Israel, You are a stiff-necked people; were I for one moment to go up in your midst I would consume you. And now, take off your fineryc, and I shall know what I am to do to you. And the children of Israel tore away their fineryd at Mount Horeb.

'And the people heard this bad news, and mourned' means their grief because they do not occupy a position above others. 'And no one put on his finery' means the nature of their external which is such that it lacks what is Divine. 'And Jehovah said to Moses' means instruction. 'Say to the children of Israel, You are a stiff-necked people' means that that nation would receive no influx from the Divine. 'Were I for one moment to go up in your midst I would consume you' means that they would be destroyed if what is Divine were to flow in and reside with them. 'And now, take off your finery' means the nature of their external which is such that it is without anything Divine. 'And I shall know what I am to do to you' means that, this being so, it is possible for something to be established among them. 'And the children of Israel tore away their finery' means that they were deprived of Divine Truth in external things. 'At Mount Horeb' means within the external things of worship, the Church, and the Word.


a lit. evil word
b lit. and they did not put anyone his ornament onto himself
c lit. And now, cause your ornament to come down from upon you
d lit. ornament

Latin(1748-1756) 10534

10534. Vers. 4-6. Et audivit populus verbum malum hoc, et luxerunt, et non posuerunt aliquis ornatum suum super se. Et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen, Dic ad filios Israelis, Vos populus durus cervice, momento uno ascendero in medio tui, et consumpsero te; et nunc descendere fac ornatum tuum desuper te, et cognoscam quid faciam tibi. Et abripuerunt filii Israelis ornatum suum, a monte Choreb. `Et audivit populus verbum malum hoc, et luxerunt' significat dolorem eorum ob non eminentiam super alios: `et non posuerunt aliquis ornatum suum super se' significat quale externi eorum quod absque Divino: `et dixit Jehovah ad Moschen' significat instructionem: `dic ad filios Israelis, Vos populus durus cervice' significat quod gens illa non receptura sit influxum a Divino: `momento uno (x)ascendero in medio tui, et consumpsero te' significat quod perituri si Divinum influeret apud illos: `et nunc descendere fac ornatum tuum desuper te' significat quale externi illorum quod absque Divino: `et cognoscam quid faciam tibi' significat quod sic aliquid apud illos existere possit: `et abripuerunt filii Israelis ornatum suum' significat deprivationem Divini Veri in externis apud illos: `a monte Choreb' significat in externis cultus, Ecclesiae, et Verbi.

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