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属天的奥秘 第10541节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10541

10541. And I shall know what I will do to thee. That this signifies that in this way something may come forth with them, is evident from the series of things in the internal sense, for that nation could be in a holy external and at the same time not in a holy internal. And as in this way the external of the church could be with that nation, though not the internal, therefore by "I shall know what I will do," is signified that in this way something may come forth with them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10541

10541. 'And I shall know what I am to do to you' means that, this being so, it is possible for something to be established among them. This is clear from the train of thought in the internal sense; for outward holiness, devoid of any inward holiness, could exist with that nation. And since for this reason the external aspect of the Church could exist with that nation even though nothing of the internal did so, 'I shall know what I am to do' means that, this being so, it is possible for something to be established among them.

Latin(1748-1756) 10541

10541. `Et cognoscam quid faciam tibi': quod significet quod sic aliquid apud illos existere possit, constat ex serie rerum in sensu interno nam gens illa in sancto externo (t)esse potuit, et non simul in sancto interno; et quia sic apud illam externum Ecclesiae potuit esse tametsi: non internum, ideo per `cognoscam quid faciam' significatur quod sic aliquid apud illos existere possit.

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