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属天的奥秘 第10624节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10624

10624. Upon the thirds and upon the fourths. That this signifies the condemnation of falsities and of the derivative evils, is evident from the signification of "sons," as being the falsities of evil (of which just above, n. 10623). The reason why it is said "upon the thirds and upon the fourths," is that "three" is predicated of truths or falsities, and "four" is predicated of goods or evils. For in the Word all numbers signify things, some numbers belonging to the spiritual class, and some to the celestial class. The numbers three, six, and twelve belong to the spiritual class, and the numbers two, four, and eight to the celestial class. The numbers which belong to the spiritual class are predicated of truths or of falsities; and those which belong to the celestial class are predicated of goods or of evils. By "three" is also signified all truth in the complex; and by "four," all good in the complex. From this it is that by "sons the thirds and the fourths" are signified falsities and the derivative evils. But this sense of these words is the celestial sense, because it arises from the fact that they are predicated of these falsities and evils. (What evils and the derivative falsities are, and what falsities and the derivative evils are, may be seen at the places cited in n. 10109.) Here also something shall be said about evils and the derivative falsities, and about falsities and the derivative evils. Evils are the sources of all falsities, because falsities are what confirm evils, and evils and falsities act in a man as do the will and the understanding, for what a man wishes to do he also wishes to understand, because it is by means of the understanding that he forms his evil before himself in thought, and before others in speech. From this it is evident what evil and the derivative falsity are, that is, the falsity of evil. But the evil of falsity is when man has confirmed evil with himself, and has concluded that it is not evil, and consequently does it. In this case he does evil from falsity. For example, he who has confirmed with himself that adulteries are not evils, and from this does them, is in the evil of falsity, because he does them from a false principle. The evils of falsity are chiefly to be found in religious matters, for from the falsities of doctrine a man persuades himself that a thing is good, which nevertheless is evil; and sometimes that a thing is evil, which nevertheless is good.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10624

10624. 'On the third and on the fourth [generations]' means the condemnation of falsities and the evils arising from them. This is clear from the meaning of 'sons' as falsities of evil, dealt with immediately above in 10623. The reason why 'on the third and on the fourth [generations of them]' is added is that 'three' is associated with truths or falsities, and 'four' with forms of good or evils. In the Word all numbers serve to mean real things, some numbers belonging to the spiritual group, others to the celestial group. The numbers three, six, and twelve belong to the spiritual group, while two, four, and eight belong to the celestial. Numbers in the spiritual group are associated with truths or falsities, while those belonging to the celestial are associated with forms of good or evils. 'Three' also means all truth in its entirety, and 'four' all good in its entirety. All this explains why 'the third and fourth [generations]' means falsities and the evils arising from them. But this meaning of those words is their heavenly meaning because it arises out of the association of these numbers with those things. What evils and the falsities arising from them are, and what falsities and the evils from these are, may be seen in the places referred to in 10109. But something must also be stated about them here. Evils are the source from which all falsities arise, because falsities are what serve to justify evils and act in unison with them in a person as will and understanding do, in that what a person wills to do he also wills to understand. For by means of his understanding a person gives shape to his own evil, for himself in what he thinks and for others in what he utters. From this it is evident what evil and the falsity arising from it, or the falsity of evil, are. But the evil of falsity exists when a person, having in his own mind justified some evil and then concluded that it is no evil, goes on to do it. In this case the evil he does arises out of falsity. Take, for example, someone who, having justified adultery as a non-evil to his own satisfaction, goes on to commit it. The evil of falsity exists with him because his commission of it is due to a false assumption. It is in matters of religious belief that the evils of falsity exist primarily; for falsities contained in religious teachings convince a person that something is good when in fact it is bad, and sometimes that something is bad when in fact it is good.

Latin(1748-1756) 10624

10624. `Super tertios et super quartos': quod significet {1}damnationem falsorum et inde malorum, constat ex significatione `filiorum' quod sint falsa mali, de qua mox supra n. 10623; quod dicatur `super tertios et super quartos,' est quia tria praedicantur de veris {2}aut falsis, et quattuor de bonis {2}aut malis; in Verbo enim omnes numeri significant res, et quidam numeri {3} pertinent ad classem spiritualem, et quidam ad classem caelestem; numeri tria, sex, et duodecim ad classem spiritualem, et numeri duo, quattuor, et octo ad classem caelestem; numeri qui classis spiritualis sunt praedicantur de veris {4}aut falsis, qui ad caelestem de bonis {4}aut malis; per tria etiam significatur omne verum in complexu, et per quattuor omne bonum in complexu; inde est quod per `filios tertios et quartos' significentur falsa et inde mala; (m)sed hic sensus istorum verborum est sensus caelestis{5}, (n) quia exsurgit ex eo quod praedicentur de illis. Quid mala et inde falsa, et quid falsa et inde mala, videatur in locis citatis n. 10109; etiam hic aliquid de malis et inde falsis, (c)ac de falsis et inde malis, dicetur: mala sunt ex quibus omnia falsa, quoniam falsa sunt quae confirmant mala; et illa apud hominem unum agunt sicut {6} voluntas et intellectus, nam quod homo vult facere, hoc quoque vult intelligere, per intellectum enim format suum malum {7} coram se in cogitatione et coram aliis in loquela; {8} inde patet quid malum et inde falsum, seu falsum mali; malum falsi autem est quando homo confirmavit apud se malum, et conclusit quod non malum sit, et inde facit illud, tunc ex falso facit malum; sicut qui confirmavit apud se quod adulteria non sint mala et inde facit illa, is in malo falsi est, quia ex principio {9}falso facit illa; in religiosis praecipue dantur mala falsi, nam ex falsis doctrinae persuadet sibi homo quod bonum sit quod tamen malum, et quandoque quod malum sit quod tamen bonum. @1 falsa, et inde mala$ @2 i horum verborum$ @3 ac$ @4 i ibi$ @5 et$ @6 i ejus$ @7 i ad apparentiam$ @8 i inde ei cogitatio et confirmatio mali;$ @9 falsi$

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