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属天的奥秘 第10625节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10625

10625. And Moses made haste, and bowed himself to the earth, and adored. That this signifies reception then from influx into the external, and worship from humiliation, is evident from the signification of "making haste," as being affection (see n. 7695, 7866), here reception by means of influx, because all influx from the Divine is into the affection of man, and the reception by man is also in affection; from the representation of Moses as being that external of the church, of worship, and of the Word, which receives the internal (n. 10607, 10614); from the signification of "bowing one's self," as being exterior humiliation (n. 5682, 7068); and from the signification of "adoring," as being worship.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10625

10625. 'And Moses made haste and bowed to the earth, and adored' means the reception at that time of what flowed into the outward form, and worship as a result of humility. This is clear from the meaning of 'making haste' as affection, dealt with in 7695, 7866, at this point reception through influx, for all influx from the Divine takes place into a person's affection, and the person receives it within his affection too; from the representation of 'Moses' as the outward form taken by the Church, worship, and the Word, which is receptive of what is inward, dealt with in 10607, 10614; from the meaning of 'bowing down' as exterior humility, dealt with in 5682, 7068; and from the meaning of 'adoring' as worship.

Latin(1748-1756) 10625

10625. `Et festinavit Moscheh, et inflexit se ad terram, et adoravit': quod significet tunc receptionem ex influxu in externum, ac cultum ex humiliatione, constat ex significatione `festinare' quod sit affectio, de qua n. 7695, 7866, hic receptio per influxum, quia omnis influxus a Divino fit in affectionem hominis, et quoque receptio ab homine in illa; ex repraesentatione `Moschis' quod sit externum Ecclesiae, cultus, et Verbi, quod recipit internum, de qua n. 10607, 10614; ex significatione `inflectere se' quod sit humiliatio exterior, de qua n (x)5682, 7068; et ex significatione `adorare' quod sit cultus.

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