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属天的奥秘 第10661节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10661

10661. And of all thy cattle thou shalt give the male. That this signifies that it is given by means of truth, is evident from the signification of "male," as being truth (see n. 2046, 4005, 7838). The case herein is this. All the good that man has from the Lord is given him by means of truth. For man is born into mere ignorance, and when he advances in age, he has from himself mere thick darkness in spiritual things, for he knows nothing about God, the Lord, heaven and hell, or the life after death. What he knows from himself is about the world and himself; and he calls that good in the world which is in favor of himself; and he calls that true which confirms this. In order therefore that he may have heavenly good, which he will love more than himself and the world, it is necessary for him to learn truths from the Word, or from the doctrine of the church which is from the Word. He cannot love these truths until he knows them, because any affection for what is unknown is impossible. From this it is that truth is that by means of which man has good. The truth with a man becomes good when he loves it; for all that which is loved is good. To love is to will and to do, because that which a man loves, he wills and does. In this way truth becomes good. This then is what is signified by their "giving the male of all the cattle."

Elliott(1983-1999) 10661

10661. 'Of all your cattle you are to give the male' means which is imparted by means of truth. This is clear from the meaning of 'the male' as truth, dealt with in 2046, 4005, 7838. The situation is that all good which a person receives from the Lord is imparted to him by means of truth. For at birth the human being has no knowledge of anything at all; and when he starts to grow up, he is, if left to himself, completely in the dark so far as spiritual things are concerned, for he knows nothing about God, the Lord, heaven and hell, and life after death. All that he knows, if left to himself, has regard to the world and to himself. That which exists in the world for his own benefit he calls good, and that which lends support to it he calls true. In order therefore that he may come into possession of heavenly good, which he must love more than himself and the world, it is necessary for him to learn truths from the Word, or from the teachings of the Church which are derived from the Word. Until he has learned them, thus until he has knowledge of them, he cannot love them; for no one can have an affection for something that he has no knowledge of. So it is that truth is the means by which good is imparted to a person. But the truth residing with a person becomes good when he loves it; for everything that is loved is a form of good. Loving consists in intending and doing; for what a person loves he intends and does; in this way truth becomes good. This then is what is meant by the requirement that the male of all cattle should be given.

Latin(1748-1756) 10661

10661. `Ex omni pecore tuo des masculum': quod significet quod datur per verum, constat ex significatione `masculi' quod sit verum, de qua n. 2046, 4005, 7838. Cum his ita se habet: omne bonum quod homini a Domino, datur ei per verum, homo enim nascitur in meram ignorantiam, et cum adolescit aetate, est illi ex se mera caligo in spiritualibus, nihil enim scit de Deo, de Domino, de caelo et inferno, de vita post mortem {1}; {2}quod scit ex se, est de mundo et de semet, et id bonum vocat quod in mundo pro se est, et id verum vocat quod confirmat id; ut ergo ei bonum caeleste, quod amabit prae {3}se et mundo, sit, necessum est ut discat vera (c)a Verbo, seu ex doctrina Ecclesia quae ex Verbo; antequam illa didicit, ita antequam illa scit, non potest amare illa, nam affectio ignoti non datur, inde est quod verum sit per quod bonum homini; verum apud hominem tunc fit bonum quando amat id, nam omne quod amatur est bonum; amare est velle et facere, nam quod homo amat, hoc vult et {4}facit; sic verum fit bonum; hoc nunc est quod significatur per quod ex omni pecore darent masculum. @1 i, de fide et de charitate$ @2 quod scit, per quod ei lumen est de se et de mundo, inde$ @3 bono sui et mundi$ @4 i hoc$

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