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属天的奥秘 第10668节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10668

10668. And on the seventh day thou shall rest. That this signifies the second state of regeneration, when the man is in good, and is then in peace, is evident from the signification of "the seventh day," which is called the day of rest, or the Sabbath, as being the second state of regeneration, when the man is in good and is then in peace, and is in heaven with the Lord (see n. 8494, 8495, 9510, 8890, 8893, 9274, 9431, 10356, 10360, 10367, 10374).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10668

10668. 'And on the seventh day you shall rest' means the second state of regeneration, when a person is governed by good and at this stage experiences peace. This is clear from the meaning of 'the seventh day', which is called the day of rest or the sabbath, as the second state of regeneration, when a person is governed by good and at this stage experiences peace, when also he is in heaven with the Lord, dealt with in 8494, 8495, 8510, 8890, 8893, 9274, 9431, 10356, 10360, 10367, 10374.

Latin(1748-1756) 10668

10668. `Et in die septimo quiesces': quod significet statum alterum regenerationis, cum homo est in bono et tunc in pace, constat ex significatione `diei septimi' qui dies quietis seu sabbati vocatur, quod sit alter status regenerationis, cum homo est in bono et tunc in pace, inque caelo apud Dominum, de qua n. 8494, 8495, 8510, 8890, 8893, 9274, 9431, 10356, 10360, 10367, 10374.

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