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属天的奥秘 第10667节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10667

10667. Six days thou shall work. That this signifies the first state of regeneration, when the man is in truths and is at that time in combats, is evident from the signification of "six days," which are called days of labor or of work, as being the first state of regeneration, when the man is in truths, and is at that time in combats against evils and falsities (see n. 8510, 8888, 9431, 10360).

Elliott(1983-1999) 10667

10667. 'Six days you shall work' means the first state of regeneration, when a person is in possession of truths and at that stage is engaged in conflicts. This is clear from the meaning of 'six days', which are called the days of labour or work, as the first state of regeneration, when a person is in possession of truths and at that stage is engaged in conflicts against evils and falsities, dealt with in 8510, 8888, 9431, 10360.

Latin(1748-1756) 10667

10667. `Sex diebus operaberis': quod significet statum primum regenerationis, cum homo est in veris et tunc in pugnis, constat ex significatione `sex dierum' qui dies laboris seu operis vocantur, quod sint status primus regenerationis, cum homo est in veris et tunc in pugnis contra mala et falsa, de qua n. 8510, 8888, 9431, 10360.

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