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属天的奥秘 第10706节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10706

10706. And Moses drew back the veil upon his faces. That this signifies that for this reason internal things were closed to them, is evident from the signification of "drawing back the veil upon the faces," when said of Moses, by whom is represented the Word, as being to close the internal things of the Word (see above, n. 10701). (How the case is in regard to this can be seen from what has been said just above, in n. 10705, at the end.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 10706

10706. 'And Moses drew the veil back over his face' means that therefore inward things were closed off from them. This is clear from the meaning of 'drawing back the veil over the face' - when it refers to Moses, who represents the Word - as closing off the inward things of the Word, dealt with above in 10701. What this implies is clear from what has been stated immediately above, at the end of 10705.

Latin(1748-1756) 10706

10706. `Et reduxit Moscheh velamen super facies suas': significet quod ideo {1}interna illis occluderentur, constat ex significatione `reducere velamen super facies' cum de Moscheh, per quem repraesentatur Verbum, quod sit occludere interna Verbi, de qua supra n. 10701. Quomodo cum his se habet, constat ex illis quae nunc supra n. 10705 ad fin. dicta sunt. @1 illis interna IT$

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