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属天的奥秘 第10707节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10707

10707. Until he entered in to speak with Him. That this signifies no matter how much they may be informed, is evident from the signification of "until Moses entered in to speak with Jehovah," as signifying the state of this external when the internal from the Lord flowed in, and it received information (see above, n. 10702). That here it also denotes no matter how much they may be informed, is because by Moses is represented that external of the Word in which is the internal (n. 10694); and he entered in before Jehovah and went out, and informed them; for by "entering in and going out" is signified communication (n. 5249, 6901); and by "speaking" is signified information (see at the places cited in n. 10280). That they did not wish to know anything about these internal things of the Word, of the church, and of worship, which relate to the Lord, to His kingdom, and to love to Him and faith in Him, is very evident from the fact that they did not wish to acknowledge the Lord no matter how much He when in the world informed them from the Word; and that neither do they wish to acknowledge Him at this day, although they live among Christians, and know that it has been foretold in the Word that the Messiah, that is, the Christ, will come. The reason why they did not acknowledge, and do not acknowledge, is that they apply all things of the Word to themselves, and to their own eminence over others, thus in favor of their loves, which are the loves of self and of the world. All who do so, see nothing from heaven. Their internal, which should be open into heaven, is closed, and therefore they have no light from this source. For this reason they are in thick darkness and blindness in respect to spiritual things, thus in respect to the internal of the Word, of the church, and of worship. The internal of the Word is spiritual; its external is natural. When the internal of the Word is spoken of, the internal of the church and of worship is also meant, because the church is where the Word is, and is from the Word; and worship is from those things which are in the Word. Thus such as is a man's understanding of the Word, such is the church in him, and such is his worship.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10707

10707. 'Until he went in to talk to Him' means even though they were receiving instructions. This is clear from the meaning of 'until Moses went in to talk to Jehovah' as the state of what was outward when what was inward from the Lord flowed into it and it received instructions, dealt with above in 10702. The reason why even though they were receiving instructions is also meant here is that 'Moses' represents the outward form that the Word takes, containing what is inward, 10694, and he went in before Jehovah and came out, and then conveyed instructions to them. For 'going in and coming out' means communicating, 5249, 6901, and 'talking' conveying instructions, see in the places referred to in 10280. Their not wishing to know about the inward things of the Word, the Church, and worship, which have regard to the Lord, to His kingdom, and to loving Him and believing in Him, is plainly evident from the fact that when the Lord was in the world they were unwilling to acknowledge Him, even though He instructed them from the Word. It is also evident in the fact that they are still unwilling at the present day to acknowledge Him, although they live among Christians and know that the Word foretold that the Messiah, that is, Christ, was going to come. The reason why they did not and do not acknowledge Him is that they make everything in the Word apply to themselves and their pre-eminence over others, and so use everything there in support of their own loves, which are self-love and love of the world. All who do this lack any ability to see in the light of heaven. The inward level of their mind, which ought to lie open to heaven, is closed, and therefore they do not receive any light at all from there. As a consequence thick darkness and blindness are theirs so far as spiritual things are concerned, thus so far as anything belonging to the inward level of the Word, the Church, and worship is concerned. The inward level of the Word is spiritual, the outward level of it is natural. When the inward level of the Word is spoken of, the inward level of the Church and worship should also be understood, since the Church resides where the Word is and owes its existence to the Word, and worship consists of those things that are contained in the Word. Consequently whatever the quality of a person's understanding of the Word is, so is the quality of the Church in him and the quality of his worship.

Latin(1748-1756) 10707

10707. `Usque ad intrare illum ad loquendum cum Ipso': quod significet utcumque informentur, constat ex significatione `usque ad intrare Moschen ad loquendum cum Jehovah' quod significet statum externi cum influeret internum a Domino et reciperet informationem, de qua supra n. 10702; quod etiam hic sit, utcumque informentur, est quia per `Moschen' repraesentatur externum Verbi in quo internum, n. 10694, et ille intravit {1}coram Jehovah et exivit, ac informavit illos, per {2}`intrare' enim et `exire' significatur communicatio, n. 5249, 6901, et per `loqui' informatio, in locis citatis n. (x)10280; quod non scire velint de internis Verbi, Ecclesiae, et cultus, quae de Domino, de regno Ipsius, deque amore et fide in Ipsum patet manifeste ex eo quod non agnoscere voluerint Dominum, utcumque Ipse cum in mundo fuit, informavit illos ex Verbo, et quod nec hodie velint agnoscere, tametsi inter Christianos vivunt, et sciunt quod praedictum sit in Verbo quod Messias, hoc est, Christus, venturus; causa quod non agnoverint nec agnoscant, est quia applicant omnia Verbi ad se, et ad sui eminentiam super alios, ita ad favorem suorum amorum, qui sunt amores sui et mundi; omnes qui ita faciunt, nihil e caelo vident; internum {3} eorum, quod pateret in caelum, est occlusum, {4}quare illis nihil lucis est inde; {5}ideo caligo et caecitas illis est in spiritualibus, ita de {6}interno Verbi, Ecclesiae, et cultus; internum Verbi est spirituale, externum {7}ejus est naturale; cum dicitur internum Verbi, etiam intelligitur internum Ecclesiae, et cultus, {8}quoniam Ecclesia est ubi Verbum, et ex Verbo, et cultus est ex illis quae in Verbo; inde qualis est homini intellectus Verbi, talis in eo Ecclesia est, et talis ei cultus est. @1 et exivit a Jehovah$ @2 exire enim et intrare$ @3 i enim$ @4 inde$ @5 quapropter$ @6 internis$ @7 autem$ @8 nam$

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