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属天的奥秘 第10712节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10712

10712. When they were allowed to see the objects of this earth through my eyes, they paid very little attention to them, because it is customary for them to think far away from the nearest objects; thus not to see them, except in shade; for such as is the thought of a man, such is his sight; because it is the interior sight which is of the thought that sees in the exterior, and through it. They then said that their earth is very rocky, and that there are only some valleys between the rocks which are cultivated. But it was perceived that it was so only where these people dwelt; and that in other places it is different. They were with me for almost an entire day.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10712

10712. When they were allowed to see objects on our planet by means of my eyes they paid very little attention to them. This was because they are accustomed to think on a level somewhat removed from the objects right next to them, and so were accustomed to see them only in shade; for the level on which a person thinks determines his vision of things. This inward sight existing on the level of thought is what sees within and by means of that which is outward. Those spirits also told me at this time that the surface of their planet consisted mainly of rock, and that only some of its valleys among the rocks were cultivated. But I sensed that these conditions existed only where those people lived and that elsewhere they were different. Those spirits were with me for almost a whole day.

Latin(1748-1756) 10712

10712. Cum dabatur illis per meos (x)oculos videre objecta hujus telluris, perparum attendebant ad illa, ex causa quia familiare illis cogitare remote a proximis objectis, ita nec videre illa nisi in umbra, nam qualis cogitatio hominis est talis est ejus visus, est enim interior visus qui est cogitationis, qui videt in exteriore, et per illum. Dicebant tunc quod tellus illorum sit perquam petrosa, et modo aliquae valles inter petras quae excultae; sed perceptum quod solum, ubi illi habitabant, talis esset, et quod aliter alibi. Erant apud me fere per integrum diem.

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