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属天的奥秘 第10711节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10711

10711. They wish to be bearded, and to appear old, for the reason that they always choose and set over them some bearded old man, who is as it were their king and high priest. The common people also worship him, and love to live according to his manner of living, insomuch that they believe that his life is communicated to them; but the more intelligent of them worship God. Such a bearded old man, who had been their high priest, was one of those who were with me, and as he had accepted Divine worship from the common spirits, and had led them to believe that his life was communicated to them, he was severely punished, which was done by wrapping him up in a cloth and whirling him round; and then he was cast into the hell near his own earth.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10711

10711. These spirits like to be bearded and appear aged, because they always choose some aged person with a beard to be in charge over them; he is so to speak their king and high priest. The common people also worship him and love to live as he is accustomed to do, and they go so far as to think that his life is communicated to them; but those of them who have greater understanding worship God. One such bearded old man who had been their high priest was among all the others present with me. Because he accepted the Divine worship offered him by spirits who had been common people and he led them to think that his life was communicated to them, he underwent severe punishment, which took the form of being rolled up in a cloth, whirled round and round, and then hurled into a hell near his own planet.

Latin(1748-1756) 10711

10711. Volunt barbati esse et apparere vetusti, ex causa quia semper vetustum quendam barbatum eligunt et sibi praeficiunt, qui quasi rex eorum et pontifex; plebs etiam colit eum, et secundum ejus morem vivendi amant vivere, usque ut credant vitam ejus communicari cum illis; sed intelligentiores illorum colunt Deum. Talis vetustus barbatus qui fuerat pontifex eorum, erat eum reliquis apud me; is quia a plebeiis spiritibus acceptabat cultum Divinum, ac inducebat credere quod vita sua communicaretur cum illis, graviter punitus est, quod fiebat per involutionem in panno et contorsionem; ac dein conjectus in infernum prope suam tellurem.

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