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属天的奥秘 第10784节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10784

10784. On the way, or during this progression, it was given me to observe how immense is the Lord's heaven that is for the angels. For from the regions not inhabited it was given me to conclude that it is so immense that if there were many myriads of earths, and in each as great a multitude of men as in our own, still there would be room for them to eternity, and it would never be filled. This I could conclude from a comparison made with the extent of the heaven which is about our earth, and for it.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10784

10784. On the way or during that journey I was allowed to observe how vast was the Lord's heaven provided for angels. For from the uninhabited places I was allowed to deduce that it was so vast that even if millions of planets existed and the population on each of them was as great as that on ours, a place would always be there for them; it would never be filled. This I was able to deduce after I had compared it with the extent of the heaven which surrounds and serves our planet.

Latin(1748-1756) 10784

10784. In via seu progressione illa observare dabatur quam immensum esset caelum Domini quod pro angelis; ex non habitatis enim concludere dabatur quod tam immensum esset ut si darentur plures myriades tellurum, et in qualibet tanta multitudo hominum quanta in nostra, quod usque locus foret pro illis in aeternum, et nusquam impleretur; hoc concludere potui ex comparatione facta cum extensione caeli quod circum nostram tellurem, et pro illa.

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