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属天的奥秘 第10783节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10783

10783. ON A SIXTH EARTH IN THE STARRY HEAVEN. Once more was I conducted to another earth that was in the universe outside our solar world, and this also by means of changes of state continued for about twelve hours. In company with me there were a number of spirits and angels from our earth, with whom I conversed on the way or during the progression. I was carried sometimes obliquely upward, and sometimes obliquely downward, continually toward the south. In two places only did I see spirits, and in one I spoke to them.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10783


I was led to yet another planet in the universe outside our solar system, and this too was accomplished by means of changes of state, which went on for almost twelve hours. There were among my companions a number of spirits and angels belonging to our planet, to whom I talked on the way or during that journey. At one time the path bore me diagonally upwards, at another diagonally downwards, all the time towards the south. In merely two places did I see spirits, and in one I talked to them.

Latin(1748-1756) 10783

10783. De Sexta Tellure in Caelo Astrifero

Ductus sum iterum ad aliam tellurem quae extra mundum nostrum solarem in universo erat, et hoc quoque per mutationes status paene duodecim horis continuatas; in comitatu mecum erant spiritus et angeli ex nostra tellure plures, cum quibus in via seu progressione illa loquebar; ferebar nunc oblique sursum et nunc oblique deorsum, {1} continue versus meridiem; modo in duobus locis videbam spiritus, et in uno cum illis loquebar. @1 i et$

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