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属天的奥秘 第10800节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10800

10800. As the king alone cannot administer all things, therefore there are overseers under him, to each of whom has been given the official duty of administering what the king cannot attend to. Taken together these overseers constitute the royalty, but the king himself is the chief.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10800

10800. Since the monarch is unable to attend to everything all by himself, people are set in authority under him, each of whom is given a department in which he attends to matters that the monarch himself cannot deal with. These people, taken all together, constitute the monarchy; but the monarch himself is the head.

Latin(1748-1756) 10800

10800. Quia rex non solus potest administrare omnia, ideo sunt praefecti sub illo, quorum unicuivis data est provincia administrandi quod {1} rex non potest et valet; hi praefecti simul sumpti constituunt regium, sed ipse rex est summus. @1 i ipse$

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