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属天的奥秘 第1190节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1190. Resen, between Nineveh and Calah, means that they also created doctrines for themselves about how to live, and Resen symbolizes the false doctrines that resulted. This is established by the evidence given directly above concerning Nineveh and Calah. It is also established by the logical progression: The last verse [1188] spoke of falsity in doctrine; the present one, of falsity in a person's life. The writing mode of the Word, especially in the prophets, requires that matters of the will be addressed whenever matters of intellect are. The last verse talked about something intellectual — falsity in doctrine — but the present one talks about the falsity we live by, which is what Resen symbolizes. Since the Word does not mention Resen anywhere else, the meaning cannot really be proved, except by two pieces of evidence. One is the fact that Resen was built between Nineveh and Calah, or in other words, between the falsity that comes of faulty reasoning and the falsity that comes of our cravings — a combination producing falsity that we actually live by. The other is the fact that it is called the great city because it rises out of falsity in both the intellect and the will.

Potts(1905-1910) 1190

1190. And Resen, between Nineveh and Calah. That this signifies that they also formed for themselves doctrinals of life; and that the false doctrinals thence derived are signified by "Resen," may be seen from what has just been shown respecting Nineveh and Calah; and also from the connection, in that in the preceding verse falsities of doctrine, and here falsities of life are treated of. For such is the style of the Word, especially the prophetical style, that when it treats of things of the understanding it treats also of those of the will. In the preceding verse things of the understanding, or falsities of doctrine, are treated of; but here falsities of life, which are signified by "Resen." As no further mention is made of Resen in the Word, this cannot so well be confirmed, except from the fact of Resen's being built between Nineveh and Calah, that is, between falsity from reasonings and falsity from cupidities, which produces falsity of life; and from its being called the "great city," because it is from falsities both of the understanding and of the will.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1190

1190. 'Resen between Nineveh and Calah' means that they also formulated for themselves doctrinal teachings concerning life -'Resen' means derivative falsities contained in doctrinal teachings. This becomes clear from what has just been shown concerning Nineveh and Calah, and also from the train of thought, in that the previous verse dealt with falsities of doctrine, the present verse with falsities of life. For the style of the Word is such, especially the prophetical style, that when matters of the understanding are dealt with, those of the will are dealt with as well. The previous verse dealt with those of the understanding, that is, with falsities of doctrine, whereas the present verse deals with falsities of life, meant by 'Resen'. As no further mention is made of 'Resen' in the Word this matter cannot so easily be confirmed, except from the fact that 'Resen was built between Nineveh and Calah' - that is, between falsity arising from reasonings and falsity arising from evil desires which produces falsity of life- and also from the fact that it is called 'a great city' since all this is the product of falsities both of the understanding and of the will.

Latin(1748-1756) 1190

1190. Quod 'Resen inter Niniven et Calah' significet quod quoque formaverint sibi doctrinalia vitae, et quod per 'Resen' significentur doctrinalia falsa inde, constare ex illis quae mox prius de Ninive et Calah ostensa sunt; tum a serie rerum, quod in versu priore actum sit de falsis doctrinae, hic nunc de falsis vitae; nam stilus Verbi talis est, imprimis propheticus, quod cum de intellectualibus, etiam de voluntariis agatur; in versu priore de intellectualibus seu falsis doctrinae, hic autem de falsis vitae, quae per 'Resen' significantur cujus quia mentio non fit amplius in Verbo, non ita confirmari potest, solum ex eo quod 'aedificata sit Resen inter Niniven et Calah,' hoc est, inter falsum ex ratiociniis, et falsum a cupiditatibus quod producit falsum vitae; tum ex eo quod vocetur 'urbs magna,' quia ex falsis tam intellectus quam voluntatis.

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