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属天的奥秘 第1194节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1194. Mizraim fathered the Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, and Naphtuhim, and the Caphtorim, symbolizes these individual nations, which in turn symbolize individual types of ritual, as was established by evidence above at verse 6 of the present chapter concerning Mizraim, that is, Egypt [1163, 1165]. The information there shows that Egypt symbolizes learning, or factual knowledge. Those he is depicted as fathering can be nothing else — nothing but different kinds of ritual, and in fact different kinds of ritual used in an outward show of worship. Deep in its heart — in its inner meaning — the Lord's Word never concerns itself with any other issues than ones that have to do with the Lord's kingdom and so with the church. Here, then, the offspring born of factual information by shallow reasoning are just different kinds of ritual.

Potts(1905-1910) 1194

1194. Mizraim begat Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, and Naphtuhim. That these signify so many nations, by which so many rituals are signified, may be seen from what was shown above respecting Mizraim or Egypt (at verse 6, of this chapter), namely, that "Egypt" signifies memory-knowledge or matters of memory [scientiam seu scientifica]. They who are said to be begotten thereof could be no other or nothing else than rituals, and in fact rituals of external worship. For the Word of the Lord in its bosom and recess, that is, in its internal sense, never treats of other things than those which belong to His kingdom, and thus to the church; so that here the things that were born from memory-knowledges by reasonings are nothing else than rituals.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1194

1194. That 'Mizraim begot Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, Naphtuhim, and Caphtorim' means just so many nations by whom just so many types of ritual forms are meant becomes clear from what has been shown above at verse 6 of this chapter concerning 'Mizraim' or Egypt, to the effect that 'Egypt' means knowledge or facts. Those who are said to be begotten from him cannot be anything else, that is, anything other than ritual forms, those in fact that go with external worship. For the Lord's Word in its bosom and inner recesses, that is, in the internal sense, never deals with anything other than things to do with His kingdom, and so with His Church. Consequently things that were born from facts by means of reasonings are here nothing else than forms of ritual.

Latin(1748-1756) 1194

1194. Quod 'Mizraim genuit Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim et Naphtuhim, Caphtorim' significent totidem gentes per quas significantur totidem ritualia, constare potest ex illis quae de Mizraim seu Aegypto supra ad vers. 6 hujus capitis ostensa sunt, quod nempe 'Aegyptus' significet scientiam seu scientifica; qui ex eo geniti dicuntur non possunt alii esse, seu alia quam ritualia, et quidem ritualia cultus externi: Verbum enim Domini in sinu et recessu suo, hoc est, in sensu interno, nusquam agit de aliis rebus quam quae sunt regni Ipsius, ita quae sunt Ecclesiae, quare hic quae de scientificis per ratiocinationes nata sunt, non alia quam ritualia sunt.

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