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属天的奥秘 第1198节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1198. The fact that they came from [the Casluhim] means that with them, religious knowledge exists in the form of facts, as the statements just made indicate. They are not said to have been fathered by the offspring of Egypt but to have come from them, because they do not do as those described above do; they are not the kind of people to invent new doctrines for themselves by reasoning fallaciously about spiritual and heavenly subjects on the basis of earthly knowledge. Instead they learn religious concepts from some other source, and the reasons they have for learning and memorizing the information are no different than their reasons for learning about other subjects. None of the information matters to them — aside from the fact that they know it — unless they can see it as a way to rise to high position and to other advantages. The study of religious concepts is so unlike any discipline in one of the earthly arts or sciences that the two share hardly any common ground. This is why [the Philistines] are said not to have been born to [the Casluhim] but to have come from them.
Because this is what Philistines are like, they too inevitably pervert religious knowledge by sophistic reasoning about it and in the process create false doctrines for themselves. They too, then, are among those who are almost incapable of being reborn and receiving any urge to love their neighbor. Their hearts are uncircumcised, and besides, false assumptions (and consequently the life of their intellect) get in the way and prevent their rebirth.

Potts(1905-1910) 1198

1198. That they "went forth" signifies that with them knowledges are mere memory-knowledges is evident from what has been stated. They are not said to have been "begotten" by those who were of Egypt, but to have "gone forth" from them, because they are not such as reason from natural memory-knowledges concerning spiritual and celestial things, and thereby frame doctrinals for themselves-like those treated of before-but they are such as learn the knowledges of faith from others, and know and retain them in the memory, with no other end in view than such as they have in learning other things which they care nothing about except merely to know them, and except for the reason that they may thereby be advanced to honors, or some other such reason. So distinct is this mere memory-knowledge of the knowledges of faith from the memory-knowledge of natural things, that they have scarcely anything in common; and therefore it is said, not that they were "born," but that they "went forth" from them. Such being the character of the "Philistines," they cannot but pervert even the knowledges of faith by reasonings from them, and thence form for themselves false doctrinals; and therefore they are among those who can with difficulty be regenerated and receive charity, both because they are uncircumcised in heart, and because principles of falsity, and consequently the life of their understanding, prevent and oppose.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1198

1198. 'From whom they came forth' means that cognitions, as these exist with them, are facts. This is clear from what has been stated. These are not said to have been 'begotten' by those who belonged to Egypt but to have 'gone forth', for they are not such as use natural and factual knowledge to reason about spiritual and celestial things and in so doing fabricate for themselves doctrinal teachings, as do those described before. Instead they learn cognitions of faith from another source, but have no other end in view to knowing and retaining these in the memory than they have with other things in which they have no interest beyond merely knowing them, and only then for the reason that by so knowing they may be promoted to positions of importance, and for other like reasons. So different is knowledge of cognitions of faith from knowledge of natural things that the two have scarcely anything in common. This explains why they are not said to have been 'bore' but to have 'gone forth' from them. Such being the character of 'Philistines' they inevitably pervert cognitions of faith by means of reasonings from them, and as a consequence fabricate false doctrines for themselves. They belong therefore among those who are barely able to be regenerated and to receive charity, both because they are uncircumcised at heart and because the false assumptions and consequently the life of their understanding hinder and prevent.

Latin(1748-1756) 1198

1198. Quod 'egressi sint' significet quod cognitiones apud hos sint scientifica, ex illis quae dicta sunt, constat; non dicuntur 'geniti' ab illis qui ab Aegypto, sed 'egressi,' quia tales non sunt ut ex naturalibus scientiis ratiocinentur de spiritualibus et caelestibus, ac ita sibi fingant doctrinalia, sicut illi de quibus prius; sed quod cognitiones fidei discant aliunde, atque eos non alio fine sciant et memoria teneant, quam sicut res alias quas praeter quod sciant, nihil curant, nisi ex causa ut inde evehantur in honores et sic porro; ita scientia cognitionum fidei est distincta a scientia rerum naturalium ut vix communicent quare non 'nati' ab illis dicuntur sed 'egressi.' 'Philistaei' quia tales, non possunt aliter quam etiam cognitiones fidei per ratiocinia ex illis pervertere, et inde formare sibi doctrinalia falsa, quare etiam inter eos sunt qui aegre possunt regenerari et recipere charitatem, tam quia praeputiati corde sunt quam quia principia falsi et inde vita eorum intellectus inhibent et obstant.

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