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属天的奥秘 第1220节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1220. The symbolism of Eber as the new church, which should be called the second ancient church, can be seen from what follows, where Eber is discussed in detail. Eber is mentioned here because from him came the new church. Later sections, with the Lord's divine mercy, will tell how the case was with Eber and with this second church.

Potts(1905-1910) 1220

1220. That by "Eber" a new church is signified, which is to be called the Second Ancient Church, is evident from what follows, where Eber is specifically treated of. Eber is mentioned here because that new church was from him. How the case was with Eber and with this second church, will of the Lord's Divine mercy be told hereafter.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1220

1220. 'Eber' means the new Church which is to be called the second Ancient Church. This is clear from what appears below where Eber is the specific subject. 'Eber' is mentioned here because that new Church sprang from him. As regards Eber and this second Ancient Church, they will in the Lord's Divine mercy be discussed in what follows.

Latin(1748-1756) 1220

1220. Quod per 'Eberum' significetur nova Ecclesia quae Ecclesia Antiqua altera appellanda, constat a sequentibus ubi de Ebero in specie agitur; hic nominatur {1}'Eberus,' quia ab illo nova illa Ecclesia; quomodo se habuit cum Ebero et cum altera hac Ecclesia, sequentibus, ex Divina Domini Misericordiae, dicetur. @1 Heb. (='eber)=a shoot.$

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