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属天的奥秘 第1221节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1221. He was the father of all the sons of Eber means that this second ancient church and everything that belonged to it came from the first ancient church, its father. This too will become evident below, where Eber and this church are discussed. The current chapter speaks of Eber in verses 24-30, and the following chapter does so from verse 11 to the end.{*1}
{*1} Swedenborg discusses verses 24-30 of Genesis 10 in 1235-1250; the Genesis 11 genealogy that includes further mention of Eber is treated in 1329-1375. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1221

1221. He is the father of all the sons of Eber. That this signifies that this second Ancient Church, and what belonged to this church, sprang from the prior Ancient Church, as from its father, will likewise be seen from what follows concerning Eber, and concerning this church; for Eber is treated of from verses 24 to 30 of this chapter, and from verse 11 to the end of the following chapter.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1221

1221. 'He was the father of all the sons of Eber' means that this second Ancient Church and what belonged to it arose from the previous Ancient Church as its father. This likewise will be clear from what follows below regarding Eber and this Church, for Eber forms the subject in verses 24-30 of the present chapter, and from verse 11 to the end of the next.

Latin(1748-1756) 1221

1221. 'Quod pater omnium filiorum Eberi fuerit' significat quod altera haec Ecclesia Antiqua et quae Ecclesiae hujus, ab Antiqua priore Ecclesia, ut a suo patre, exstiterit, similiter a sequentibus de Ebero et de Ecclesia hac constabit; agitur enim de Ebero a vers. 24-30 hujus capitis et a vers. 11 ad finem capitis sequentis.

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