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属天的奥秘 第1224节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1224. This shows what these names mean on an inner level. They mean that the ancient church (the one that had depth) was endowed with wisdom, understanding, secular learning, and knowledge of truth and goodness. Those are the contents in the inner sense, even though they are only names, which reveal nothing on the literal plane but the fact that each was an originator or ancestor of a nation. The literal meaning reveals nothing doctrinal, still less anything spiritual or heavenly. The case is similar in the prophets, which sometimes contain series of names — symbolizing the deeper realities of the inner sense — that progress in the most beautiful order.

Potts(1905-1910) 1224

1224. From all this it is evident what these names signify in the internal sense, namely, that the Ancient Church, which was internal, was endowed with wisdom, intelligence, memory-knowledge, and the knowledges of truth and of good. Such things are contained in the internal sense, although here are only names from which nothing else appears in the literal sense than that there were so many origins or fathers of nations, thus nothing doctrinal, much less anything spiritual and celestial. Such is the case also in the Prophets, where, whenever a series of names occurs, which in the internal sense signify actual things, they follow one another in a beautiful order.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1224

1224. From these considerations it is clear what these names mean in the internal sense, namely that the Ancient Church, which was an internal Church, was endowed with wisdom, intelligence, knowledge, and cognitions of truth and good. Such things are contained in the internal sense even though merely names occur from which nothing is seen in the literal sense, apart from these being just so many origins, or fathers of nations, and so nothing of a doctrinal nature is seen, still less anything spiritual and celestial. The same applies in the Prophets where lists of names are sometimes given which in the internal sense mean real things following one after another in a lovely order.

Latin(1748-1756) 1224

1224. Ex his constat quid haec nomina in sensu interno significant, nempe quod Ecclesia Antiqua quae interna, praedita fuit sapientia, intelligentia, scientia, et cognitionibus veri et boni; talia continentur in sensu interno, tametsi modo nomina sunt, ex quibus nihil aliud apparet in sensu litterali quam quod totidem origines seu patres gentium fuerint, ac ita nihil doctrinale, minus spirituale et caeleste; similiter se habet apud Prophetas, ubi quandoque nominum series per quas in sensu interno res significatae pulchro ordine consequuntur.

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