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属天的奥秘 第1328节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1328. The fact that and from there Jehovah scattered them over the face of the whole earth means that inward worship became nonexistent can be seen from the symbolism of being scattered as evaporating. The direct reference in "being scattered over the face of the whole earth" is to the people who wanted to build the city of Babel. At the same time, though, since they are people who rob others of all ability to know the truth (as I said), these words symbolize being deprived of inward worship. The one is a consequence of the other. It is the consequence that is meant here, because the words appear for the third time.{*1} The fact that the first ancient church was stripped of what it knew about truth and goodness can be seen from the fact that most of the nations composing that church became idolatrous, although they retained a certain sort of outward worship.
Idolatrous people outside the church meet with a much better fate than the same kind of people inside the church. The former are outward idolaters; the latter are inward idolaters. That the fate of the former is better becomes clear from the Lord's words in Luke 13:23, 28-29, 30 and Matthew 8:11-12.{*2} This, then, is the reason that conditions in the first ancient church changed.

{*1} The first two instances of the notion of the scattering of people over the face of the earth appear in verses 4, 8. [LHC]
{*2} The verses in Luke and Matthew that Swedenborg cites here quote Jesus as saying that people from the four quarters of the earth, rather than his listeners (the "children of the kingdom"), would sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in heaven. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1328

1328. And from thence did Jehovah scatter them upon the faces of all the earth. That this signifies that internal worship was annihilated, may be seen from the signification of "scattering," as being to dissipate. In the proximate sense, the scattering over the faces of all the earth, means the dispersion of those who desire to build the city of Babel; but as these are they who deprive others of all the knowledge of truth, as before said, the words signify, at the same time, the deprivation of internal worship; for the one is a consequence of the other; and here we have the consequence, for it is stated for the third time. That the First Ancient Church was deprived of the knowledges of truth and good, is evident from the fact that the nations which constituted that Ancient Church became for the most part idolaters, and yet had a certain external worship. The lot of those idolaters who are outside the church is much better than that of those idolaters who are within the church; for the former are external idolaters, whereas the latter are internal idolaters. That the lot of the former is better, is evident from the words the Lord spoke in Luke 13:23, 28-30; Matthew 8:11-12. This therefore is the reason why the state of this Ancient Church was changed.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1328

1328. 'And from there Jehovah scattered them over the facea of the whole Earth' means that internal worship ceased to exist. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'scattering' as being dispersed. In the proximate sense those who wanted to build the city of Babel are meant by 'being scattered over the facea of the whole earth'. But because they are people who deprive others of all knowledge of truth, as has been stated, these words at the same time mean the loss of internal worship; for one is the consequence of the other. Here the consequence is meant because this is the third time that this statement is made. That the first Ancient Church had been deprived of cognitions of truth and good is clear from the consideration that the nations which constituted that Ancient Church became for the most part idolatrous, though they still possessed some form of external worship. The lot of idolaters outside the Church is far better than that of idolaters inside it. The former are external idolaters, but the latter are internal. The fact that the lot of the former is better is clear from what the Lord says in Luke 13:23, 28-30; Matt 8:11, 12. This then is the reason why the state of this Ancient Church was altered.


a lit. the faces

Latin(1748-1756) 1328

1328. 'Et inde dispersit eos Jehovah super facies totius terrae': quod significet quod cultus internus nullus factus, constare potest a significatione 'dispergi' quod sit dissipari; in sensu proximo significantur per 'dispergi super facies totius terrae' illi qui urbem Babelis aedificare vellent, sed quia illi sunt qui deprivant alios omni cognitione veri, ut dictum est, simul per haec significatur privatio cultus interni; unum enim est consequens alterius; hic est consequens quia tertia vice dicitur. Quod prima Antiqua Ecclesia deprivata fuerit cognitionibus veri et boni, constat inde quod gentes quae constituerunt Ecclesiam illam Antiquam, factae sint ad plurimam partem idololatrae, et usque cultum quendam externum habuerint: qui idololatrae sunt extra Ecclesiam, eorum sors multo melior est sorte eorum qui idololatrae sunt intra Ecclesiam; illi sunt idololatrae externi, hi autem interni: quod sors illorum melior sit, constat ab illis quae Dominus dicit, apud Luc. xiii 23, 28-30; Matth. viii 11, 12; haec nunc causa est quod status Ecclesiae hujus Antiquae mutatus.

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