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属天的奥秘 第139节


此处“万族”表示诸恶。上古教会的这些后代不愿独居,也就是不愿成为属天人,或像属天人那样被主引导,而是像犹太教会那样渴望在列族当中。由于这是他们的 渴望,所以经上说:“那人独居不好”,因为有这种渴望的人已经陷入邪恶,于是他的愿望实现了。

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New Century Edition

[NCE]139. The ancients described people who were led by the Lord (the way people of heavenly character are) as living alone because evil or rather evil spirits no longer bothered them. In the Jewish church, the same circumstances were represented by the promise that when the other nations had been driven out they would live alone. For this reason the Word predicts several times that the Lord's church would be alone. An example from Jeremiah:
Rise, go up to a nation at rest, living securely. No double doors, no bar on the gate do they have; they live alone. (Jeremiah 49:31)
In a prophecy of Moses':
Israel has lived securely, alone. (Deuteronomy 33:28)
Still more explicitly in Balaam's prophecy:
Look, a people that lives alone and is not counted among the nations! (Numbers 23:9)
Here the nations stand for different kinds of evil.
The generation that inherited the earliest church did not wish to live alone or, what is the same, to be heavenly or, again, to be led by the Lord as a heavenly individual. They wanted to be in among the nations, as the Jewish church was. Since this was what they wanted, the verse says that it was not good for the human to be alone. Those who yearn for evil are already involved in it, and they are allowed to have it.

Potts(1905-1910) 139

139. In ancient times those were said to "dwell alone" who were under the Lord's guidance as celestial men, because such were no longer infested by evils, or evil spirits. This was represented in the Jewish Church also by their dwelling alone when they had driven out the nations. On this account it is sometimes said of the Lord's church, in the Word, that she is "alone" as in Jeremiah:

Arise, get you up to a quiet nation that dwelleth confidently, saith the Lord, which hath neither gates nor bar; they dwell alone (Jer. 49:31). In the prophecy of Moses: Israel hath dwelt confidently alone (Deut. 33:28). And still more clearly in the prophecy of Balaam:

Lo, the people dwelleth alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations (Num. 23:9), where "nations" signify evils. This posterity of the Most Ancient Church was not disposed to dwell alone, that is, to be a celestial man, or to be led by the Lord as a celestial man, but, like the Jewish Church, desired to be among the nations. And because they desired this, it is said, "it is not good that the man should be alone" for he who desires is already in evil, and it is granted him.

Elliott(1983-1999) 139

139. In ancient times those who were guided as celestial people by the Lord were said 'to dwell alone', for the reason that evil forces, or evil spirits, were infesting them no longer. This was also represented in the Jewish Church by their dwelling alone after the nations had been driven out. For this reason several times in the Word the Lord's Church is described as 'alone', as in Jeremiah,

Rise up, go up against a nation at ease that dwells securely. It has no gates or bars; they dwell alone. Jer 49:31.

In the prophecy of Moses,

Israel dwelt securely, alone. Deut 33:28.

And plainer still in Balaam's prophecy,

See, a people, it dwells alone, and is not reckoned among the nations. Num 23:9.
Here 'nations' stands for evils. These descendants of the Most Ancient Church did not wish to dwell alone; they did not wish to be a celestial man, that is, to be guided as a celestial man by the Lord, but to be among the nations, as also did the Jewish Church. And since this was what they desired it is said, 'It is not good that the man should be alone'. Indeed when this is what a person desires, he is already under the influence of evil, and his wish is granted.

Latin(1748-1756) 139

139. Antiquitus soli habitare dicti sunt qui a Domino ducti sicut homines caelestes, quia non amplius infestabant illos mala seu mali spiritus; repraesentatum hoc quoque in Ecclesia Judaica per id quod expulsis gentibus soli habitarent; quare aliquoties in Verbo praedicatur de Ecclesia Domini quod sola, ut apud Jeremiam, Surgite, ascendite ad gentem quietam, habitantem confidenter,...non valvae, et non vectis ei, solus{1} habitant, xlix 31:

in prophetia Mosis, Habitavit Israel confidenter, solus, Deut. xxxiii 28: manifestius adhuc in prophetia Bileami, En populum, solus habitat, et inter gentes non reputatur, Num. xxiii 9;

ubi 'gentes' pro malis. Haec posteritas Antiquissimae Ecclesiae non habitare voluit sola, hoc est, non esse caelestis homo seu ut caelestis homo duci a Domino, sed inter gentes esse, sicut Ecclesia Judaica; et quia id cupivit, dicitur 'non bonam esse, ut sit homo solus is'; qui enim cupit, jamdum in malo est, et ei conceditur. @ 1 Heb. (badad)='in separation, separately,' and is used adverbally. S. here uses the simple form of the adjective, though we should have expected solum. In n. 9496 he uses solitarii, as Sch. does.$

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