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属天的奥秘 第1471节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1471. Genesis 12:12. "And it will happen when the Egyptians see you that they will say, 钬楾his is his wife,' and kill me and keep you alive."
And it will happen when the Egyptians see you symbolizes the study of religious concepts; what is being depicted is the turn that study takes when the people who engage in it see heavenly concepts. That they will say, 钬楾his is his wife,' means that they will call such concepts heavenly. And kill me and keep you alive means that they would not care about heavenly things but only about the knowledge itself, which they would steal.

Potts(1905-1910) 1471

1471. Verse 12. And it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they will say, This is his wife, and they will kill me, and will make thee to live. "And it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee," signifies the memory-knowledge of knowledges [scientia cognitionum], which is described as to what it is when they see celestial knowledges; "that they will say, This is his wife," signifies that they will call the knowledges celestial; "and they will kill me, and will make thee to live," signifies that they would not care for the celestial things, but only for the mere knowledges, which they would carry off.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1471

1471. Verse 12 And it will be, when the Egyptians see you they will say, This is his wife, and they will slay me and let you live.

'And it will be, when the Egyptians see you' means knowledge comprised of cognitions, it being the nature of that knowledge when celestial cognitions are seen that is described 'And they will say, This is his wife' means that they will call those cognitions celestial 'And they will slay me and let you live' means that they would have no interest in the celestial things, only in the mere cognitions, which they would carry away

Latin(1748-1756) 1471

1471. Vers. 12. Et erit, cum viderint te Aegyptii, et dicent, Uxor illius haec, et occident me, et te vivificabunt. 'Et erit, cum viderint re Aegyptii' significat scientiam cognitionum, quae describitur qualis est cum cognitiones caelestes vident: 'et dicent, Uxor illius haec' significat quod vocabunt illas caelestes: 'et occident me, et te vivificabunt' significat quod caelestia non curarent sed modo meras cognitiones quas auferrent.

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