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属天的奥秘 第1475节



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New Century Edition

[NCE]1475. The symbolism of please say you are my sister as intuitive truth, which is a sister, can be seen from the symbolism of a sister as intuitive truth, when heavenly truth is a wife. More will be said about this symbolism below.{*1} The situation is this: Secular knowledge by its very nature wants nothing more than to thrust itself into heavenly affairs and explore them, but this goes against proper procedure, since it means doing violence to heavenly matters. The proper procedure is for a heavenly idea to insert itself by means of a spiritual idea into our rational thinking and by means of this into some fact that we know, and to fit the fact to its purposes. If this procedure is not followed, no wisdom is at all possible.
This verse again holds secrets about the way the Lord's Father taught him in a completely orderly way. Consequently it also holds secrets about the way his outer self united with his inner, that is, the way his outer self became divine, just like his inner self, so that he became Jehovah in regard to both of his essential qualities.{*2} This was accomplished through religious concepts, which are a means. Without these concepts as a means, a person's outer self could not even become human.

{*1} For more on the intuitive truth symbolized by a sister, see 搂1495. For additional discussion, see 搂搂2508, 2524:1, 3688. See also note 1 in 搂1402. [LHC, SS]
{*2} The two essential qualities to which Swedenborg refers here are a human and a divine one; see, for instance, 搂搂1402, 1426, 1469. [LHC]

Potts(1905-1910) 1475

1475. Say, I pray, thou art my sister. That this signifies intellectual truth, which is a "sister," is evident from the signification of a "sister," as being intellectual truth when celestial truth is a "wife," concerning which hereafter. These things stand thus: it is the nature of memory-knowledge to desire nothing more than to introduce itself into celestial things and explore them; but this is contrary to order, for it thus does violence to celestial things. Order itself is that the celestial by means of the spiritual introduces itself into the rational, and thus into the memory-knowledge [in scientificum], and adapts this to itself; and unless this order is observed, there cannot possibly be any wisdom. In the passage before us are also contained the arcana as to how the Lord was instructed by His Father according to all order; and thus how His external man was conjoined with His internal, that is, how His external man was made Divine, like the internal; thus how He became Jehovah as to each essence; which was done by means of knowledges, which are the means. Without knowledges as means, the external man cannot even become man.

Elliott(1983-1999) 1475

1475. 'Say, now, you are my sister' means intellectual truth, which is 'a sister'. This becomes clear from the meaning of 'sister' as intellectual truth when celestial truth is meant by 'wife', which meaning of 'sister' is shown further on. The implications here are as follows: Knowledge is of such a nature that it desires nothing more than to introduce itself into celestial things and examine them. But this is contrary to order, for if knowledge is used in this way it does violence to celestial things. The proper order is for the celestial to introduce itself by way of the spiritual into the rational and in this manner into factual knowledge, and to adapt this to itself. Unless this order is kept no wisdom can possibly exist. Also contained in the present section there are arcana as to how the Lord was taught by His Father according to order in its completeness, and so how His External Man was joined to His Internal - that is, how His external Man was made Divine, even as His Internal Man was essentially Divine, and so how He became Jehovah as regards both Essences This was accomplished by means of cognitions, which are the means. Without cognitions as means the external man cannot indeed become truly man.

Latin(1748-1756) 1475

1475. 'Dic quaeso, soror mea tu': quod significet intellectuale verum, quod est 'soror,' constare potest a significatione 'sororis' quod sit intellectuale verum cum caeleste verum est 'uxor'; de qua ejus significatione in sequentibus. Haec ita se habent: scientia talis est ut nihil magis cupiat quam se immittere in caelestia et illa explorare; sed hoc est contra ordinem, sic enim violat caelestia; ipse ordo est ut caeleste per spirituale se immittat in rationale et sic in scientificum, et id sibi adaptet; qui ordo nisi observetur, nusquam aliqua sapientia. Continentur (x)etiam hic illa arcana quomodo Dominus instructus est a Patre Ipsius secundum omnem ordinem, et sic quomodo Externus Ipsius Homo conjunctus sit Interno, hoc est, quomodo Externus Ipsius Homo similiter ac Internus factus Divinus, sic quoad utramque Essentiam Jehovah; quod factum per cognitiones quae sunt media; absque cognitionibus ut mediis, homo externus ne quidem fieri potest homo.

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